To Know
I started writing at the tender age of 22. Listening attentively to the word of God and reading the scriptures, formed an invaluable base for all my spiritual articles. I am 100% certain without a shred of a doubt that I can produce quality poetry, if not the best that this century will ever experience on a global scale. I hope that you will publish a few in your magazine etc. I am happy that you grant monetary incentive for each poem published. I appreciate every bit because I am unemployed due to the recent recession. Please think of me this Christmas when I and my three children will have little to eat. Hoping you would publish some. This will also serve as a reference to the bigger poetry publisher, so that they would not reject any future submissions. I have wrestled with our creator to show me what my gift was. I was driven by instinct for I had to find my place in this world. When I started off writing spiritual articles, poetry and lyric writing I got hooked. I knew that I would be totally dependent on my past experiences, which weren't entirely pleasant, to bring out the best in all my writings. I would turn to the main spring the Holy Spirit for the fine-tuning of all my works, which in turn catered for the Godly wisdom and the spiritual foresight. I do this so that when my intellectual properties are read, that they may spiritually 'light up' and burn the hearts of those that read them. Writing is my route out of poverty. If I have enriched one soul spiritually, then my life would never have been in vain. I endeavour to live with the Bible next to my bed. Through each of my writings God only compliments Himself. Salomon asked for wisdom. I asked for foresight so that wisdom will never elude me. My grave will one day be empty, it will only hold my bones, but you my dear reader will be the custodians of the precious gift that God has bestowed on me, coupled with an invaluable portion of the unextinguished light, which will always live within me. The Author cannot say good things about him, good things must come from others and the blessing must come from God. May my mother's credo; "The love you have for your own is natural, but the love you have for others comes from God", forever be cherished by the reader.