The Fear of Monkeys - The Best E-Zine on the Web for Politically Conscious Writing Politically Oriented Writing
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The Fear of Monkeys Topics

They Call it Struggle For a Reason - Megan
The Gondolier of Bethesda Landing - Mark Koltko-Rivera
Vegetables full of Santifying Grace - Pierrino Mascarino
Leveling the Playing Field - Paul Hostovsky
Abolish Work: The Art of Zen-Surrealism - Alison Ross
Vacillating Benny and Monsanto Max - Donal Mahoney
Smoke and Mirrors - Michael C. Keith
Banned Books - R.A. Riekki
Everyone Says I Should Care - A.J. Huffman
Time to Change - Marc Carver

The Child Who Never Was - Roy Blokker
A Vision of Venus - Iftekhar Sayeed
A Penny for Your Thinking - Whit Young
The Wages of Sin - Jim Barone and Bill Barone
The Dove Handler - Andrew J. Hogan
A Cat in Marina Piccola - Susan Jahangiri
It was a "Texas Dashcam Vid": Corrupt Cops and Black Heroines - Alison Ross
Glass Ceiling - JD DeHart
Going to Planned Parenthood Again - Donal Mahoney
Tiger, Tiger! - Iftekhar Sayeed
IRS Rollover - Craig Grafton
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
The Diary - Jeffrey Zable
Inexplicable Traffic Stop - Tom W. Miller
Riding Light - Jewel Hart
Tickets and Contracts - Jeff Nazzaro
Leaves of Grass: An Apothecary - DC Diamondopolous
Don't Let the Motherfrackers Fool You - Kent Monroe
Imperfect Storm Ends in a Rainbow - Donal Mahoney
No More Secrets - Alice Benson
And the Rocks Came - Lee Conrad
The Prafts and the Hywisps - Douglas J. Ogurek
Repair the World - Sandor Elias Blum
Identity Crisis - Steve Carr
The Wall - Iftekhar Sayeed
Is Theatre Racist? - Grace Lu
Grandpa's Not Feeling Well - Karen Schauber
Last Woman Standing - Jude Brigley
Honk for Jesus - Mitchell Waldman
Page 6 - Iftekhar Sayeed
To Themselves - John Sheirer
Larder Bare with People Hungry - Donal Mahoney
Collector - Ken Poyner
Standing for the Flag - Craig Grafton
Gay Is… - Stephen Schwei
A Traffic Stop Where No One Was Shot - Donal Mahoney
Team Player - James Hannon
A Trick My Father Learned in Prison - Donal Mahoney
The Rein In Spain - Iftekhar Sayeed
Jury Duty - Alan Swyer
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
The Neighborly Thing - Margaret Karmazin
Searching Amongst Pictures of the Killed - Phillip Henry Christopher
The White of the Canvas - Richie Billing
Thanksgiving (2016) - Dick Ault
Each of Them Could Be Us - Jude Brigley
The Climate Is Changing. The Climate Is Changing - B. Craig Grafton
How Amazing - Peter Mladinic
Across the Wall - Matthew McAyeal
The Buffet - Iftekhar Sayeed
Too Much Asia to Erase - Tom Sheehan
The Last of the Red Diaper Babies - Steve Slavin
March - Holly Day
All the White People - Sue Granzella
Uptown - Holly Day
Arrival - Jed Neill
What George Floyd's Death Means - Or Should Mean - In Bangladesh - Iftekhar Sayeed
Peter Pater - Harlan Yarbrough
John True Eagle Goes to War - Steve Carr
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason
It's More Expensive To Do Nothing - Alan Swyer
The Toilet Dilemma - Nanci Lee Woody
Old School - Lowell Weber
The Accidental Bureaucrat - Charis Emanon
Grandma & the KKK - Jimmy Coleman
Hope Matters, 1970-2020 - Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
Mr. Son of a Bitch - Jimmy Coleman
A Lesson in Cultural Priorities - Phyllis Houseman
Hartal - Iftekhar Sayeed
Can't Breathe - John Grey
Who Are You? - Lorraine Caputo
the birds sing...Jesus loves is good - Jimmy Coleman
Been There, Done That - Alan Swyer
Takings - T.R. Healy
Saving - Carolyn Martin
Now It Can Be Told! - Larry Lefkowitz
Icarus's Wings - Ben Macnair
Mother of Dead and Wounded - David Cameron
Acts - Stuart Stromin
A Modest Proposal for Making India the Richest Country in the World so that the World Learns to Respect and Not Mess with Us - Shan E Afridi

     Animal Rights
Frozen to the Side of a Truck - Lauren Corman
Hundredth Monkey - Robert Pasternak
Opening the Aviary - Christiano Artuso
Balancing Human and Non-Human Interests: The Contractual Model - Malcolm M. Kenton

Day at the Zoo - John Grey
Response to a Thread - Christiano Artuso
Tank Tales - John Grey
The Shelter - Keri Mathews
The Drunken Flamingo - Pierrino Mascarino
Puppies - Raud Kennedy

You Can Be Whatever You Want to Be - Raud Kennedy

The Sadness of Dads - Paul Hostovsky
Strays - Raud Kennedy
Sniff This! - Raud Kennedy
Slug Boy - Raud Kennedy

Fly - Rick Bailey

The Dove Handler - Andrew J. Hogan
A Cat in Marina Piccola - Susan Jahangiri
Aisle of Death - Nanci Lee Woody
Fruits - James Hanna
Two Llamas - Susan Jahangiri
Dove - Jeff Fleischer
Tiger, Tiger! - Iftekhar Sayeed
Barnyard Security - Craig Grafton
Horses - John Grey
The Beast - Zeke Jarvis
Collector - Ken Poyner
A Monster's Diary - JD DeHart
How Amazing - Peter Mladinic
The Hunt - Ben Gilbert
March - Holly Day
On Safari with Hemmingway - Jeffrey Zable

Niizhin Manijooshan or The Two Bugs - told by Solomon Wawatie
No - Tunji Ajibade
Guest of the SSS - Sylva Nze Ifedigbo
Leveling the Playing Field - Paul Hostovsky
An Elegy for the News - Iftekhar Sayeed
Prejudice - James G. Piatt
Sniff This! - Raud Kennedy
Pilgrimage - Jessica Morey-Collins
The Flames of Freedom Part 1 and Part 2 - Iftekhar Sayeed
Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger and U.S Foreign Policy - Stephen Lee Naish
Thoreau and the Indians - Doug Draime

Family Planning - Ken Poyner
Ladies and Gentleman, does it matter? - Sean J Mahoney
Colonel Hiram's Companions - Michael C. Keith
Dear Job - John Grey
Bible Times Dinner Theater - JD DeHart
My Writing - Anthony Villett
Miasma - Iftekhar Sayeed
A Vision of Venus - Iftekhar Sayeed
Shake Off the Night: A Peabody Winston Back Porch Tale - Peabody Winston
The Button Workers - Donal Mahoney
Of Sons and Sacrifice - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Ladling of Agent Orange - Donal Mahoney
The Wages of Sin - Jim Barone and Bill Barone
The Prophecy - Phil Temples
Indian Jokes - Stacey Margaret Jones
White Guilt - Amy Penne
The Dove Handler - Andrew J. Hogan
A School for Freedom - Iftekhar Sayeed
Fruits - James Hanna
Diversity - Alan Swyer
Contemporaries - Gary Beck
Touring the Launch Facility - Ken Poyner
Buy the Noise - Rick Edelstein
Dove - Jeff Fleischer
Tiger, Tiger! - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
Rainbow Café - James Penha
The Diary - Jeffrey Zable
Choosing Sides: the Arab-Israel Conflict in U.S. Eyes - Fred Skolnik
One Second - Alison McBain

Barnyard Security - Craig Grafton
Abuelo's Last Wish: Independence - Andrés Castro
A Fairy Tale about War - Matthew McAyeal
When DJT was an Arctic Sea - Sean J Mahoney
The Prafts and the Hywisps - Douglas J. Ogurek
Repair the World - Sandor Elias Blum
The Wall - Iftekhar Sayeed
Is Theatre Racist? - Grace Lu
King of Cat - H. L. Dowless

Honk for Jesus - Mitchell Waldman
Page 6 - Iftekhar Sayeed
Earthfall - Antaeus
Colonization - Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
Sarajevo Monday - James Hannon
An Avian Wall Street - Donal Mahoney
White Lies - Iftekhar Sayeed
A Trick My Father Learned in Prison - Donal Mahoney
The Rein In Spain - Iftekhar Sayeed
What Ravens Do - Geoffrey Miller
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
(wh)it(e) - Iftekhar Sayeed
Born on a Mountaintop - James Hanna
Woke - John Andreini
The Big Down Boys - Steve Carr
Splinters - Tim Goldstone
Too Much Asia to Erase - Tom Sheehan
The New Normal - Matthew McAyeal
Arrival - Jed Neill
What George Floyd's Death Means - Or Should Mean - In Bangladesh - Iftekhar Sayeed
John True Eagle Goes to War - Steve Carr
Along the Golan Heights - Ken Poyner
Grandma & the KKK - Jimmy Coleman
A Lesson in Cultural Priorities - Phyllis Houseman
Hartal - Iftekhar Sayeed
A More Convenient Truth - B. Craig Grafton
Nothing Like You - Tim Law
Who Are You? - Lorraine Caputo
CrISIS - CLS Sandoval
The Bucket - Travis Flatt
Saving - Carolyn Martin
On Safari with Hemmingway - Jeffrey Zable
Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before* - Roy N. Mason
Mother of Dead and Wounded - David Cameron
Acts - Stuart Stromin
A Modest Proposal for Making India the Richest Country in the World so that the World Learns to Respect and Not Mess with Us - Shan E Afridi

Newspaper Monologue - Tanya Marquardt
Rage Against the Machine and the Synergistic Media - Jeff Valois
Vegetables full of Santifying Grace - Pierrino Mascarino
Middle Class Aspirations in an Ominous Economy - Alison Ross
I’m Difficult to Fit - Burgess Needle
Man, you should have been there - Ben Macnair
All That Comes From Ores - Eleanor Leonne Bennett
Back in her Day - John Grey

Abolish Work: The Art of Zen-Surrealism - Alison Ross
Swisher Sweets - James Valvis
The Glass Prostitute - Ken Poyner
Apples - Donal Mahoney

Fixation - Todd Heldt
Life. One long ride down a big, uphill cope... - Eldon Reishus
I Used to Laugh at People - Julie Finch
Ebookery: One Sudden Perspective - Ken Poyner
Dear Job - John Grey
Smoke and Mirrors - Michael C. Keith
Amenities - JD DeHart
Banned Books - R.A. Riekki
The Environment Store - Ken Poyner
A Penny for Your Thinking - Whit Young
The Last Case - Alan Swyer
The Button Workers - Donal Mahoney
The Murderers Among Us - Roy Blokker
Even with Books, All Technology Devolves to Rocks - Ken Poyner
I - Marc Carver
A True McDonalds World Cup - Joseph Donnelly
The Dove Handler - Andrew J. Hogan
Three Stooges - Marc Carver
I Am a Yo-Yo - Christopher Davis
The Ronald and the Pyramid Scheme - Donal Mahoney
What is Best - Ken Poyner
Buy the Noise - Rick Edelstein

The Queue - Ken Poyner
Herein, the Job - John Grey
IRS Rollover - Craig Grafton
Rainbow Café - James Penha
Inexplicable Traffic Stop - Tom W. Miller
An Urban Legend Confirmed - Donal Mahoney
Penelope - TS Hidalgo
Tickets and Contracts - Jeff Nazzaro
Zoology - Linda Imbler
Leaves of Grass: An Apothecary - DC Diamondopolous
Don't Let the Motherfrackers Fool You - Kent Monroe
Most of the Time - Jeffrey Zable
Horses - John Grey
Abuelo's Last Wish: Independence - Andrés Castro
Necktie Party - Stephen Baily
Chameleon - Alan Swyer
The Beast - Zeke Jarvis
Repair the World - Sandor Elias Blum
Identity Crisis - Steve Carr
Did You Ever Wonder? - Craig Grafton
Anyone Who Steps in the Way - Donal Mahoney
Bridge to Future Out - Matt Morris
Vendor - Ken Poyner
A Star in the Making - John Grey
And It's Not His Fault - Donal Mahoney
Commercialism - Matt Morris
The Zombies of Bigotry: Oscar-Snubbed "Get Out" Slashes Through White Supremacy - Alison Ross
Intellectual Property - Alan Swyer
Larder Bare with People Hungry - Donal Mahoney
The Hermit of Breakheart Woods - Tom Sheehan
HR - Douglas J. Ogurek
Sam the Poontang Man - James Hanna
Public Education - Ken Poyner
An Avian Wall Street - Donal Mahoney
The Day When There Is No Longer Any Way to Avoid the Apocalypse - Ken Poyner
The Rein In Spain - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
The White of the Canvas - Richie Billing
Learning What It Takes - Ken Poyner
The Parable of B.D. Mannheim - J. Paul Ross
The Town without Butter - Tom Sheehan
White Privilege - Alan Swyer
Late for Work Again - Matt Morris
The Big Down Boys - Steve Carr
The Climate Is Changing. The Climate Is Changing - B. Craig Grafton
How Amazing - Peter Mladinic
A Young Woman Reads Her Poetry in a Coffeehouse - John Grey
Intermission - Ken Poyner
Prayer for My Daughter - Iftekhar Sayeed
Profit and Loss - Phillip Temples
A Lesson in Cultural Priorities - Phyllis Houseman
The Bucket - Travis Flatt

Acquiring Wealth - Gil Hoy
Been There, Done That - Alan Swyer
Takings - T.R. Healy
Areola Katz - Ben Gilbert
A Modest Proposal for Making India the Richest Country in the World so that the World Learns to Respect and Not Mess with Us - Shan E Afridi

Conservatism in America - Cynthia Bissell
On Deals with the Devil and the Belinda Factor: A rumination on the sorry state of Canadian politics - Equalito
The Ultimate Reality Makeover Show: Democratic Eye for the Muslim Guy - Rob Loughran
A Convenient Solution - Henry F. Tonn
Visitation Rights - Francis Raven
The Empire Strikes Out - Jon Shifrin
Let Them Eat Cake - Richard Bissell
Election Season - Blaise Lucey
The Missing Commandment - Ted Scott

In the Beginning Was the Word - Iftekhar Sayeed
Ali Bubba and the Forty Pyrotechnics - Henry Brown
Crackling Again - Donal Mahoney
Middle Class Aspirations in an Ominous Economy - Alison Ross

Tele/kinetic - Michael C. Keith
The Bomb Maker - Ken Poyner
No - Tunji Ajibade

Confessions of a Tea Party Activist - Tim Martin
Election Night Blues - Ken Poyner

Guest of the SSS - Sylva Nze Ifedigbo
Leveling the Playing Field - Paul Hostovsky
An Elegy for the News - Iftekhar Sayeed
Fox News: First Impressions and a Pot-shot or Two - Fred Russell
Abolish Work: The Art of Zen-Surrealism - Alison Ross
The President’s Last Budget Proposal - by Henry F. Tonn
The Market - Ken Poyner
Homophobia - Paul Hostovsky
Prejudice - James G. Piatt
Fantasy Football and the Mistake of Unity - C.D. Carter
Try a Little Tenderness: Lessons from Bolivia - Diane Lefer
Juries - Jessica Morey-Collins
International Relations - Joseph Engar
North Korea in Fiction and as Fiction - Stephen Lee Naish
Pilgrimage - Jessica Morey-Collins
The Flames of Freedom Part 1 and Part 2 - Iftekhar Sayeed
Lethal Injection - Frederick Pollack
Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger and U.S Foreign Policy - Stephen Lee Naish
Disappointed - Holly Day
Digital Penetration - A.J. Huffman

Fixation - Todd Heldt
A Hero of Zeros - Tendai Mwanaka
Life. One long ride down a big, uphill cope... - Eldon Reishus
Thoreau and the Indians - Doug Draime
I Used to Laugh at People - Julie Finch
Family Planning - Ken Poyner

Ladies and Gentleman, does it matter? - Sean J Mahoney
Colonel Hiram's Companions - Michael C. Keith
Telling - Carol Smallwood

Vacillating Benny and Monsanto Max - Donal Mahoney
Bear Among the Dogs - Scott Archer Jones
Dear Job - John Grey

The Lynching at the Legion - Whit Young
Under the Sun - Holly Day
Miasma - Iftekhar Sayeed
Ash Wednesday - Donal Mahoney
The Mexican in the Bathroom - Weldon H. Sandusky
Homecoming - Peter K McShane
Everyone Says I Should Care - A.J. Huffman
A Vision of Venus - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Interrogation - Ken Poyner
May Day in Munich, 2013 - James Hannon
Shake Off the Night: A Peabody Winston Back Porch Tale - Peabody Winston
The Button Workers - Donal Mahoney
Small Clemency - JD DeHart
Of Sons and Sacrifice - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Murderers Among Us - Roy Blokker
Beneficial Brainwashing - Desiree Simons
The Ladling of Agent Orange - Donal Mahoney
The Wages of Sin - Jim Barone and Bill Barone
Café Life - John Grey
Indian Jokes - Stacey Margaret Jones
A Pilgrim's Progress - John Grey
Rocky And Bullwinkle Discuss Their Presidents - B. Craig Grafton
Toots - T.R. Healy
White Guilt - Amy Penne

The Dove Handler - Andrew J. Hogan
Situation Room - Titus Green
Less Than Wise - JD DeHart

Spill-O Charms a Lady Cop - Colin Dodds
It was a "Texas Dashcam Vid": Corrupt Cops and Black Heroines - Alison Ross
A School for Freedom - Iftekhar Sayeed

Fruits - James Hanna
Affirmative Hiring - B.Craig Grafton
Diversity - Alan Swyer

Changes Are Coming in 2085, the Senator Says - Donal Mahoney
Glass Ceiling - JD DeHart
Touring the Launch Facility - Ken Poyner
Public Executions - Linda Imbler
Medusa Returns - Titus Green
The Queue - Ken Poyner
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
Irreconcilable Differences - Ken Williams
The Diary - Jeffrey Zable
Inexplicable Traffic Stop - Tom W. Miller
Mumia x 2 - Kyle Heger
An Urban Legend Confirmed - Donal Mahoney
Riding Light - Jewel Hart
Fowl Election - Craig Grafton
Tickets and Contracts - Jeff Nazzaro
Choosing Sides: the Arab-Israel Conflict in U.S. Eyes - Fred Skolnik

A Confrontation Looms - Donal Mahoney
A House Divided - Craig Grafton
A Letter to All American Troops - Whit Young
Leaves of Grass: An Apothecary - DC Diamondopolous
Don't Let the Motherfrackers Fool You - Kent Monroe
There are Fellow Travelers and then There are Fellow Travelers - Andrés Castro
One Second - Alison McBain

Manufacturing Terror - Andrew Jury
Saying When - Dan Raphael
Imperfect Storm Ends in a Rainbow - Donal Mahoney
Barnyard Security - Craig Grafton
Abuelo's Last Wish: Independence - Andrés Castro
No More Secrets - Alice Benson
Descape - Tom W. Miller
A Fairy Tale about War - Matthew McAyeal
And the Rocks Came - Lee Conrad
Common Ground - Ken Poyner
Chameleon - Alan Swyer
Repair the World - Sandor Elias Blum
Identity Crisis - Steve Carr
The Wall - Iftekhar Sayeed
Did You Ever Wonder? - Craig Grafton
Is Theatre Racist? - Grace Lu
Grandpa's Not Feeling Well - Karen Schauber
Bridge to Future Out - Matt Morris
King of Cat - H. L. Dowless

Postmodern Post Office Etiquette - Gaby Bedetti
USA - James Hanna
Last Woman Standing - Jude Brigley
The Curse of Collusion - Craig Grafton
A Rice Cake at Midnight - Donal Mahoney
Boots - DC Diamondopolous
Page 6 - Iftekhar Sayeed
To Themselves - John Sheirer
Job Collateral Lies Dead on Compton Creek - Ron Dowell
Colonization - Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
Our Division is Not Making America Great Again - Susan Grant
The Hermit of Breakheart Woods - Tom Sheehan
Sarajevo Monday - James Hannon
Standing for the Flag - Craig Grafton
Gay Is… - Stephen Schwei
Wake Up - Jim Tuggle
An Avian Wall Street - Donal Mahoney
A Traffic Stop Where No One Was Shot - Donal Mahoney
Populist Science -- Notes from a Diary - Ted Scott
Team Player - James Hannon
White Lies - Iftekhar Sayeed
A Trick My Father Learned in Prison - Donal Mahoney
The Rein In Spain - Iftekhar Sayeed
Jury Duty - Alan Swyer
What Ravens Do - Geoffrey Miller

Crystal Night - Ben Gilbert
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
(wh)it(e) - Iftekhar Sayeed
Ken Sollop, Agent of C.H.A.N.G.E.! - Peter Dabbene
Searching Amongst Pictures of the Killed - Phillip Henry Christopher
Epistemologies of Ignorance - Howie Good
Born on a Mountaintop - James Hanna

Thanksgiving (2016) - Dick Ault
Political Persuasion as Art and Craft - David DeLange
Trump, PI and the Case of the Masamune Sword (and Golf) - R.D. Ronstad
Woke - John Andreini
Why She Went In - Julie Sichi
White Privilege - Alan Swyer
The Doctors - Howie Good
Rueful Confessions - R A Allen
The Widow's Vote - Iftekhar Sayeed
Late for Work Again - Matt Morris
The Big Down Boys - Steve Carr
The Last Nazi - John Grey
Across the Wall - Matthew McAyeal
The Buffet - Iftekhar Sayeed
Orville Baumgardner and the Deep State - James Hanna
Too Much Asia to Erase - Tom Sheehan
The Last of the Red Diaper Babies - Steve Slavin
The Chorus of Furies - J. Paul Ross
The New Normal - Matthew McAyeal
Orville Baumgardner and the Big Lie - James Hanna
All the White People - Sue Granzella
Arrival - Jed Neill
What George Floyd's Death Means - Or Should Mean - In Bangladesh - Iftekhar Sayeed
Peter Pater - Harlan Yarbrough
John True Eagle Goes to War - Steve Carr
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason
Dark Kate - Ben Gilbert
Along the Golan Heights - Ken Poyner
It's More Expensive To Do Nothing - Alan Swyer
A Game of Chess - Doug Dawson
The Toilet Dilemma - Nanci Lee Woody
Old School - Lowell Weber
The Accidental Bureaucrat - Charis Emanon
Grandma & the KKK - Jimmy Coleman
Hope Matters, 1970-2020 - Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
Mr. Son of a Bitch - Jimmy Coleman
Hartal - Iftekhar Sayeed
A More Convenient Truth - B. Craig Grafton
Orville Baumgardner and the Pitiless Wind - James Hanna
Can't Breathe - John Grey
Nothing Like You - Tim Law
Constitution - Ken Poyner
Who Are You? - Lorraine Caputo
the birds sing...Jesus loves is good - Jimmy Coleman
CrISIS - CLS Sandoval
The Election of 2024 - Thomas Reed Willemain
The Bucket - Travis Flatt
Been There, Done That - Alan Swyer
Executive Order - Phil Temples
Saving - Carolyn Martin
Lets Try It Another Way - Tony Covatta
Now It Can Be Told! - Larry Lefkowitz
Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before* - Roy N. Mason
Krispy Kremes - James Hanna
Mother of Dead and Wounded - David Cameron
Acts - Stuart Stromin
A Modest Proposal for Making India the Richest Country in the World so that the World Learns to Respect and Not Mess with Us - Shan E Afridi

Prejudice - James G. Piatt

Try a Little Tenderness: Lessons from Bolivia - Diane Lefer

When Autism Had No Name - Donal Mahoney

Miss Blanton, Teacher - Joan Mazza
Pilgrimage - Jessica Morey-Collins
Digital Penetration - A.J. Huffman
Ladies and Gentleman, does it matter? - Sean J Mahoney
Ebookery: One Sudden Perspective - Ken Poyner
Bible Times Dinner Theater - JD DeHart
My Writing - Anthony Villett
Under the Sun - Holly Day
Banned Books - R.A. Riekki
Study in Fidelity - Donal Mahoney
The Child Who Never Was - Roy Blokker
Dark Halls and Cold Hearts: The Magdalene Girls - Desiree Simons
Small Clemency - JD DeHart
Even with Books, All Technology Devolves to Rocks - Ken Poyner
I - Marc Carver
A True McDonalds World Cup - Joseph Donnelly
The Prophecy - Phil Temples
Indian Jokes - Stacey Margaret Jones
Twin Girls, 1948 - Donal Mahoney
White Guilt - Amy Penne
Grease Poet - Richard King Perkins II
Freshman Barometer - Richard King Perkins II
Less Than Wise - JD DeHart
A Different Perspective - Marc Carver

A School for Freedom - Iftekhar Sayeed
Fruits - James Hanna
Affirmative Hiring - B.Craig Grafton
The Night - Holly Day

Diversity - Alan Swyer
Changes Are Coming in 2085, the Senator Says - Donal Mahoney
Slavery by Another Name - Kayla Blau
Buy the Noise - Rick Edelstein
Dystopia Now: Doublethink in the 21st Century - Andrew Jury
Dove - Jeff Fleischer
Tiger, Tiger! - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Queue - Ken Poyner
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
Rainbow Café - James Penha
Mumia x 2 - Kyle Heger
At Basketball - Robert Ronnow
Riding Light - Jewel Hart
Graffiti - Whit Young

Penelope - TS Hidalgo
Choosing Sides: the Arab-Israel Conflict in U.S. Eyes - Fred Skolnik
Zoology - Linda Imbler
There are Fellow Travelers and then There are Fellow Travelers - Andrés Castro
Imperfect Storm Ends in a Rainbow - Donal Mahoney
Black Eyes - Julie Parks
Descape - Tom W. Miller
Education - Ken Poyner
Aren’t You Glad We Asked? - Donal Mahoney
Common Ground - Ken Poyner
The Prafts and the Hywisps - Douglas J. Ogurek
Identity Crisis - Steve Carr
Did You Ever Wonder? - Craig Grafton
Anyone Who Steps in the Way - Donal Mahoney
Is Theatre Racist? - Grace Lu
A Social Change - Cori Amoroso
The End of the World - Matthew McAyeal
Vendor - Ken Poyner
A Star in the Making - John Grey
The Zombies of Bigotry: Oscar-Snubbed "Get Out" Slashes Through White Supremacy - Alison Ross
Last Woman Standing - Jude Brigley
Honk for Jesus - Mitchell Waldman
Bibles - John Grey
The Proverbial - Jude Brigley
To Themselves - John Sheirer
Conception - Jim Tuggle
Colonization - Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
Love in Three Rooms - Richard Risemberg
Our Division is Not Making America Great Again - Susan Grant
The Hermit of Breakheart Woods - Tom Sheehan
When the North Star Falls - Ben Gilbert
Trifecta - Don McLellan
Standing for the Flag - Craig Grafton
Choose Life, Choose Homelessness - Amanda Steel
Gay Is… - Stephen Schwei
Public Education - Ken Poyner
Wake Up - Jim Tuggle
Team Player - James Hannon
Cy's Queer! - Jimmy Pappas
A Monster's Diary - JD DeHart
Crystal Night - Ben Gilbert
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
The Neighborly Thing - Margaret Karmazin
Billy Luck - DC Diamondopolous
Ken Sollop, Agent of C.H.A.N.G.E.! - Peter Dabbene
Evolution 2: The Roots of Racism - Fred Russell
Searching Amongst Pictures of the Killed - Phillip Henry Christopher
The White of the Canvas - Richie Billing
Epistemologies of Ignorance - Howie Good
Born on a Mountaintop - James Hanna
Covid Kiss - Joel Schueler
Learning What It Takes - Ken Poyner
Thanksgiving (2016) - Dick Ault
Each of Them Could Be Us - Jude Brigley
Political Persuasion as Art and Craft - David DeLange
COVID-19 - Ken Poyner
Late for Work Again - Matt Morris
The Climate Is Changing. The Climate Is Changing - B. Craig Grafton
A Made Boy - Jeffrey Zable
Prayer for My Daughter - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Hunt - Ben Gilbert
The Last of the Red Diaper Babies - Steve Slavin
The Chorus of Furies - J. Paul Ross
The New Normal - Matthew McAyeal
All the White People - Sue Granzella
John True Eagle Goes to War - Steve Carr
Uncle Frank - Don McLellan
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason
It's More Expensive To Do Nothing - Alan Swyer
The Toilet Dilemma - Nanci Lee Woody
The Accidental Bureaucrat - Charis Emanon
Hope Matters, 1970-2020 - Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
Mr. Son of a Bitch - Jimmy Coleman
A Lesson in Cultural Priorities - Phyllis Houseman
Orville Baumgardner and the Pitiless Wind - James Hanna
CrISIS - CLS Sandoval
Acquiring Wealth - Gil Hoy
How to Exercise Your Insanity - Lowell Weber
Icarus's Wings - Ben Macnair

Cement or Environment - Sarah Medill
Manitoba’s Silent Spring: our Disappearing Birds - Christiano Artuso
We Were Warmed - J. David Bell
Revenge of the Killer Cows - J. David Bell
Just a Theory - J. David Bell
Extinction - Ken Poyner
I’m Difficult to Fit - Burgess Needle
All That Comes From Ores - Eleanor Leonne Bennett
The Sadness of Dads - Paul Hostovsky
Out on a Limb - Michael C. Keith
Slug Boy - Raud Kennedy
Fly - Rick Bailey
Sleep Apnea or Agent Orange: Let's Hear It for Monsanto! - Donal Mahoney
The Internet Café at the End of the World - Todd Heldt
Vacillating Benny and Monsanto Max - Donal Mahoney
The Environment Store - Ken Poyner
They're Actually Both Quite Stupid - Russ Bickerstaff
The Dove Handler - Andrew J. Hogan
Aisle of Death - Nanci Lee Woody
Tiger, Tiger! - Iftekhar Sayeed
Riding Light - Jewel Hart
Don't Let the Motherfrackers Fool You - Kent Monroe
When DJT was an Arctic Sea - Sean J Mahoney
The End of the World - Matthew McAyeal
Earthfall - Antaeus
When the North Star Falls - Ben Gilbert
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
The Climate Is Changing. The Climate Is Changing - B. Craig Grafton
The Scallops of Rye Bay - Ben Gilbert
How Amazing - Peter Mladinic
March - Holly Day
The Bucket - Travis Flatt

Saving - Carolyn Martin
On Safari with Hemmingway - Jeffrey Zable

     Gender Roles
I Saw the Movie - Richard Bissell
A Day in the Life - Tamara
I'm With Stupid - Jéanpaul Ferro
Wish - Stephanie Decker
Interviewee - Tony Colella
R. v. Aziz - Tristan Marajh

The Drunken Flamingo - Pierrino Mascarino
Old Maid, Old Mexico - Vivi Vargas
You Are All Blind - Alejandro Patagonia T
Caseworker Determining Eligibility - Donal Mahoney
A Coup in Chuckistan - Lee Smiley

Puppies - Raud Kennedy

So Oblivious - Emily Dillner
Leveling the Playing Field - Paul Hostovsky
You Can Be Whatever You Want to Be - Raud Kennedy

The Sadness of Dads - Paul Hostovsky
Homophobia - Paul Hostovsky
Four Fifteen - Tracy Hauser
Miss Blanton, Teacher - Joan Mazza
The Glass Prostitute - Ken Poyner
Disappointed - Holly Day
Digital Penetration - A.J. Huffman

I Used to Laugh at People - Julie Finch
Family Planning - Ken Poyner
Telling - Carol Smallwood
Jason - Holly Day
A Survivors Meeting - Carol Smallwood
Under the Sun - Holly Day

Miasma - Iftekhar Sayeed
Waiting for Anna - Phil Temples
Padre Lamente - Michael C. Keith
Carved into the Bar - Colin Dodds
Study in Fidelity - Donal Mahoney

Dollhouse - JD DeHart
The Child Who Never Was - Roy Blokker
Dark Halls and Cold Hearts: The Magdalene Girls - Desiree Simons

They're Actually Both Quite Stupid - Russ Bickerstaff
Indian Jokes - Stacey Margaret Jones

Date the Candidate - Laryssa Wirstiuk
Running Parallel - Ela Meyer
Grease Poet - Richard King Perkins II

A Matter of Proof - Carol Smallwood
Freshman Barometer - Richard King Perkins II
A Cat in Marina Piccola - Susan Jahangiri
The Ronald and the Pyramid Scheme - Donal Mahoney
A Different Perspective - Marc Carver
Spill-O Charms a Lady Cop - Colin Dodds
It was a "Texas Dashcam Vid": Corrupt Cops and Black Heroines - Alison Ross
A School for Freedom - Iftekhar Sayeed
Fruits - James Hanna
Affirmative Hiring - B.Craig Grafton
Thy Will Be Done - Phil Temples

Diversity - Alan Swyer
Changes Are Coming in 2085, the Senator Says - Donal Mahoney
Glass Ceiling - JD DeHart
Medusa Returns - Titus Green
Games People Play - Mileva Anastasiadou

Going to Planned Parenthood Again - Donal Mahoney
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
Rainbow Café - James Penha
At Basketball - Robert Ronnow

Penelope - TS Hidalgo
Leaves of Grass: An Apothecary - DC Diamondopolous
Jessie Refers to Herself as a Housewife - John Grey
Don't Let the Motherfrackers Fool You - Kent Monroe
Black Eyes - Julie Parks
Common Ground - Ken Poyner
Is Theatre Racist? - Grace Lu
Last Woman Standing - Jude Brigley
Boots - DC Diamondopolous
A Day in the High Life of a Steel Walker - H.L. Dowless
A Victim of Democracy - Iftekhar Sayeed
Conception - Jim Tuggle
Sarajevo Monday - James Hannon
HR - Douglas J. Ogurek
Gay Is… - Stephen Schwei
Sam the Poontang Man - James Hanna
The Day When There Is No Longer Any Way to Avoid the Apocalypse - Ken Poyner
Cy's Queer! - Jimmy Pappas
Shut Me Down - Holly Day
The President and the Mouse - Yuan Changming
The Rein In Spain - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Revolution - John Grey
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
The Neighborly Thing - Margaret Karmazin
Billy Luck - DC Diamondopolous
Ken Sollop, Agent of C.H.A.N.G.E.! - Peter Dabbene
Each of Them Could Be Us - Jude Brigley
Why She Went In - Julie Sichi
Rueful Confessions - R A Allen
A Made Boy - Jeffrey Zable

Intermission - Ken Poyner
The Hunt - Ben Gilbert
The Last of the Red Diaper Babies - Steve Slavin
These Hands - Nanci Woody
Peter Pater - Harlan Yarbrough
Uncle Frank - Don McLellan
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason
Dark Kate - Ben Gilbert
Knock Knock - Stuart Stromin
The Toilet Dilemma - Nanci Lee Woody
Grandma & the KKK - Jimmy Coleman
Hope Matters, 1970-2020 - Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
Made in Russia - Ben Gilbert
The Odd Couple - Sushma R Doshi
A Lesson in Cultural Priorities - Phyllis Houseman
Orville Baumgardner and the Pitiless Wind - James Hanna
The Election of 2024 - Thomas Reed Willemain

Areola Katz - Ben Gilbert
Mother of Dead and Wounded - David Cameron

     Gay Issues
Interviewee - Tony Colella
One More Ambiguity - Stephen Mead

You Are All Blind - Alejandro Patagonia T
Homophobia - Paul Hostovsky
I Used to Laugh at People - Julie Finch
Ladies and Gentleman, does it matter? - Sean J Mahoney

Padre Lamente - Michael C. Keith
Small Clemency - JD DeHart
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
Rainbow Café - James Penha
Leaves of Grass: An Apothecary - DC Diamondopolous
Gay Is… - Stephen Schwei
Cy's Queer! - Jimmy Pappas

Thanksgiving (2016) - Dick Ault
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason

Returning to Work - Donal Mahoney
Vegetables full of Santifying Grace - Pierrino Mascarino
Meeting my Past -
Raud Kennedy
The Beggar’s Leg - Adam Valen Levinson
Out on a Limb - Michael C. Keith
Abolish Work: The Art of Zen-Surrealism - Alison Ross
It's Best to Leave Cootie Alone - Donal Mahoney
Prejudice - James G. Piatt

In Summation - Holly Day
Homophobia - Paul Hostovsky
When Autism Had No Name - Donal Mahoney
Four Fifteen - Tracy Hauser
The Old Ward - Frederick Pollack
Miss Blanton, Teacher - Joan Mazza
Mis[sed]information - A. J. Huffman

Lethal Injection - Frederick Pollack

Fly - Rick Bailey

Sleep Apnea or Agent Orange: Let's Hear It for Monsanto! - Donal Mahoney

The Glass Prostitute - Ken Poyner
Digital Penetration - A.J. Huffman
Fixation - Todd Heldt
I Used to Laugh at People - Julie Finch
Family Planning - Ken Poyner

Ladies and Gentleman, does it matter? - Sean J Mahoney
Telling - Carol Smallwood
Caseworker Takes Notes - Donal Mahoney
Vacillating Benny and Monsanto Max - Donal Mahoney
A Survivors Meeting - Carol Smallwood
Smoke and Mirrors - Michael C. Keith

Under the Sun - Holly Day

Ash Wednesday - Donal Mahoney
Waiting for Anna - Phil Temples
The Mexican in the Bathroom - Weldon H. Sandusky
Padre Lamente - Michael C. Keith
Amenities - JD DeHart
Study in Fidelity - Donal Mahoney
Dollhouse - JD DeHart
Homecoming - Peter K McShane
Flowers of Remembrance (brought to you by the magic of technicolor) - Kristin Agudelo
Everyone Says I Should Care - A.J. Huffman
The Child Who Never Was - Roy Blokker
The Environment Store - Ken Poyner
The Interrogation - Ken Poyner
A Penny for Your Thinking - Whit Young
The Last Case - Alan Swyer
Dark Halls and Cold Hearts: The Magdalene Girls - Desiree Simons
Shake Off the Night: A Peabody Winston Back Porch Tale - Peabody Winston
The Button Workers - Donal Mahoney

Beneficial Brainwashing - Desiree Simons
The Ladling of Agent Orange - Donal Mahoney
I - Marc Carver
A True McDonalds World Cup - Joseph Donnelly
Café Life - John Grey
Twin Girls, 1948 - Donal Mahoney
The Gun Show in Alabama - Ron Riekki
Toots - T.R. Healy
Three Stooges - Marc Carver
A Matter of Proof - Carol Smallwood
Freshman Barometer - Richard King Perkins II

I Am a Yo-Yo - Christopher Davis
A Cat in Marina Piccola - Susan Jahangiri
The Ronald and the Pyramid Scheme - Donal Mahoney
It was a "Texas Dashcam Vid": Corrupt Cops and Black Heroines - Alison Ross
A School for Freedom - Iftekhar Sayeed

Aisle of Death - Nanci Lee Woody
Fruits - James Hanna
The Night - Holly Day

Changes Are Coming in 2085, the Senator Says - Donal Mahoney
Slavery by Another Name - Kayla Blau

Home Invasion Encore - Donal Mahoney
What is Best - Ken Poyner
Buy the Noise - Rick Edelstein

Dystopia Now: Doublethink in the 21st Century - Andrew Jury

Going to Planned Parenthood Again - Donal Mahoney
Herein, the Job - John Grey
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
Irreconcilable Differences - Ken Williams
Rainbow Café - James Penha
An Urban Legend Confirmed - Donal Mahoney
Riding Light - Jewel Hart
Graffiti - Whit Young

Penelope - TS Hidalgo
Zoology - Linda Imbler
Leaves of Grass: An Apothecary - DC Diamondopolous
Jessie Refers to Herself as a Housewife - John Grey
Don't Let the Motherfrackers Fool You - Kent Monroe
There are Fellow Travelers and then There are Fellow Travelers - Andrés Castro
Manufacturing Terror - Andrew Jury
No More Secrets - Alice Benson
Black Eyes - Julie Parks
Education - Ken Poyner
Common Ground - Ken Poyner
The Beast - Zeke Jarvis
Repair the World - Sandor Elias Blum
Identity Crisis - Steve Carr
Anyone Who Steps in the Way - Donal Mahoney
Bridge to Future Out - Matt Morris
Vendor - Ken Poyner
Song of Doom - Matt Nagin
Postmodern Post Office Etiquette - Gaby Bedetti
And It's Not His Fault - Donal Mahoney
The Missing Woman - John Grey
The Searcher's Jamboree - Eric Dreyer Smith
Last Woman Standing - Jude Brigley
A Rice Cake at Midnight - Donal Mahoney
Boots - DC Diamondopolous
A Day in the High Life of a Steel Walker - H.L. Dowless
Larder Bare with People Hungry - Donal Mahoney
A Victim of Democracy - Iftekhar Sayeed
Love in Three Rooms - Richard Risemberg
The Hermit of Breakheart Woods - Tom Sheehan
Collector - Ken Poyner
Sarajevo Monday - James Hannon
Trifecta - Don McLellan
Standing for the Flag - Craig Grafton
Choose Life, Choose Homelessness - Amanda Steel

HR - Douglas J. Ogurek
Sam the Poontang Man - James Hanna
Public Education - Ken Poyner
Populist Science -- Notes from a Diary - Ted Scott
A Poem by a Body Washed up on the Shore - John Grey
Cy's Queer! - Jimmy Pappas

Shut Me Down - Holly Day
The President and the Mouse - Yuan Changming
A Trick My Father Learned in Prison - Donal Mahoney
The Rein In Spain - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Revolution - John Grey

Still Life at the Beach - Holly Day
What Ravens Do - Geoffrey Miller

Crystal Night - Ben Gilbert
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
The Neighborly Thing - Margaret Karmazin
Billy Luck - DC Diamondopolous

Ken Sollop, Agent of C.H.A.N.G.E.! - Peter Dabbene
Searching Amongst Pictures of the Killed - Phillip Henry Christopher
The White of the Canvas - Richie Billing
Epistemologies of Ignorance - Howie Good
Covid Kiss - Joel Schueler

Each of Them Could Be Us - Jude Brigley
COVID-19 - Ken Poyner
Why She Went In - Julie Sichi
The Doctors - Howie Good
Late for Work Again - Matt Morris
The Scallops of Rye Bay - Ben Gilbert
How Amazing - Peter Mladinic
The Buffet - Iftekhar Sayeed
Too Much Asia to Erase - Tom Sheehan
A Young Woman Reads Her Poetry in a Coffeehouse - John Grey
These Hands - Nanci Woody
Uncle Frank - Don McLellan
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason
Old School - Lowell Weber
The Accidental Bureaucrat - Charis Emanon
Made in Russia - Ben Gilbert
The Odd Couple - Sushma R Doshi
How to Exercise Your Insanity - Lowell Weber

Areola Katz - Ben Gilbert
A Modest Proposal for Making India the Richest Country in the World so that the World Learns to Respect and Not Mess with Us - Shan E Afridi

God's Fault - Jared Ward
Nazi - John Grey
Jesus Responds to a Backlog of Emails - Dorene O’Brien
Guest of the SSS - Sylva Nze Ifedigbo
Leveling the Playing Field - Paul Hostovsky
An Elegy for the News - Iftekhar Sayeed
The President’s Last Budget Proposal - by Henry F. Tonn
The Fragging Episode - Jim Valvis
Homophobia - Paul Hostovsky
Prejudice - James G. Piatt
Sniff This! - Raud Kennedy
Try a Little Tenderness: Lessons from Bolivia - Diane Lefer
Juries - Jessica Morey-Collins
Four Fifteen - Tracy Hauser
Miss Blanton, Teacher - Joan Mazza
Mis[sed]information - A. J. Huffman

The Flames of Freedom Part 1 and Part 2 - Iftekhar Sayeed

Lethal Injection - Frederick Pollack

Disappointed - Holly Day

Digital Penetration - A.J. Huffman
Fixation - Todd Heldt
A Hero of Zeros - Tendai Mwanaka
Life. One long ride down a big, uphill cope... - Eldon Reishus
I Used to Laugh at People - Julie Finch
Family Planning - Ken Poyner

Colonel Hiram's Companions - Michael C. Keith
Telling - Carol Smallwood
Vacillating Benny and Monsanto Max - Donal Mahoney
A Survivors Meeting - Carol Smallwood
Bear Among the Dogs - Scott Archer Jones

The Lynching at the Legion - Whit Young

Miasma - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Mexican in the Bathroom - Weldon H. Sandusky
Padre Lamente - Michael C. Keith
Banned Books - R.A. Riekki
Study in Fidelity - Donal Mahoney

Cup Filled with Pain - Mike Bates
The Child Who Never Was - Roy Blokker
A Vision of Venus - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Interrogation - Ken Poyner
The Last Case - Alan Swyer
May Day in Munich, 2013 - James Hannon
Dark Halls and Cold Hearts: The Magdalene Girls - Desiree Simons

Small Clemency - JD DeHart
Of Sons and Sacrifice - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Murderers Among Us - Roy Blokker
Beneficial Brainwashing - Desiree Simons
The Wages of Sin - Jim Barone and Bill Barone
The Prophecy - Phil Temples

Indian Jokes - Stacey Margaret Jones

Twin Girls, 1948 - Donal Mahoney
A Pilgrim's Progress - John Grey

Rocky And Bullwinkle Discuss Their Presidents - B. Craig Grafton
Toots - T.R. Healy
White Guilt - Amy Penne
The Dove Handler - Andrew J. Hogan
A Matter of Proof - Carol Smallwood
A Cat in Marina Piccola - Susan Jahangiri
Spill-O Charms a Lady Cop - Colin Dodds
It was a "Texas Dashcam Vid": Corrupt Cops and Black Heroines - Alison Ross
A School for Freedom - Iftekhar Sayeed

Thy Will Be Done - Phil Temples

Diversity - Alan Swyer
Glass Ceiling - JD DeHart
Touring the Launch Facility - Ken Poyner
Slavery by Another Name - Kayla Blau
Home Invasion Encore - Donal Mahoney
Buy the Noise - Rick Edelstein
Public Executions - Linda Imbler
Games People Play - Mileva Anastasiadou
Circumcision and Zyklon B - Whit Young
The Queue - Ken Poyner
IRS Rollover - Craig Grafton
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
Irreconcilable Differences - Ken Williams
Rainbow Café - James Penha
The Diary - Jeffrey Zable
Inexplicable Traffic Stop - Tom W. Miller
Mumia x 2 - Kyle Heger
An Urban Legend Confirmed - Donal Mahoney
Riding Light - Jewel Hart
Fowl Election - Craig Grafton
Tickets and Contracts - Jeff Nazzaro
Choosing Sides: the Arab-Israel Conflict in U.S. Eyes - Fred Skolnik

Don't Let the Motherfrackers Fool You - Kent Monroe
One Second - Alison McBain

Saying When - Dan Raphael
Imperfect Storm Ends in a Rainbow - Donal Mahoney
Barnyard Security - Craig Grafton
Abuelo's Last Wish: Independence - Andrés Castro
No More Secrets - Alice Benson
Black Eyes - Julie Parks
And the Rocks Came - Lee Conrad
Common Ground - Ken Poyner
Repair the World - Sandor Elias Blum
The Wall - Iftekhar Sayeed
Is Theatre Racist? - Grace Lu
A Social Change - Cori Amoroso

Bridge to Future Out - Matt Morris
Song of Doom - Matt Nagin
The Searcher's Jamboree - Eric Dreyer Smith
USA - James Hanna
The Zombies of Bigotry: Oscar-Snubbed "Get Out" Slashes Through White Supremacy - Alison Ross
Last Woman Standing - Jude Brigley
The Curse of Collusion - Craig Grafton
A Rice Cake at Midnight - Donal Mahoney
Page 6 - Iftekhar Sayeed
To Themselves - John Sheirer
Job Collateral Lies Dead on Compton Creek - Ron Dowell
Earthfall - Antaeus
A Victim of Democracy - Iftekhar Sayeed
Colonization - Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
When the North Star Falls - Ben Gilbert
Collector - Ken Poyner
Sarajevo Monday - James Hannon
Gay Is… - Stephen Schwei
Monday Afternoon, Norfolk Prison - James Hannon
An Avian Wall Street - Donal Mahoney
A Traffic Stop Where No One Was Shot - Donal Mahoney
Team Player - James Hannon
A Poem by a Body Washed up on the Shore - John Grey
The President and the Mouse - Yuan Changming
A Trick My Father Learned in Prison - Donal Mahoney
The Rein In Spain - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Revolution - John Grey

Jury Duty - Alan Swyer
What Ravens Do - Geoffrey Miller

Crystal Night - Ben Gilbert
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
(wh)it(e) - Iftekhar Sayeed
Billy Luck - DC Diamondopolous

Ken Sollop, Agent of C.H.A.N.G.E.! - Peter Dabbene
Evolution 2: The Roots of Racism - Fred Russell

Searching Amongst Pictures of the Killed - Phillip Henry Christopher
Epistemologies of Ignorance - Howie Good
Born on a Mountaintop - James Hanna

The Parable of B.D. Mannheim - J. Paul Ross
Each of Them Could Be Us - Jude Brigley
The Town without Butter - Tom Sheehan
Woke - John Andreini
Why She Went In - Julie Sichi
White Privilege - Alan Swyer
The Doctors - Howie Good
Rueful Confessions - R A Allen
The Widow's Vote - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Big Down Boys - Steve Carr
Splinters - Tim Goldstone
The Last Nazi - John Grey

A Made Boy - Jeffrey Zable
The Buffet - Iftekhar Sayeed
Orville Baumgardner and the Deep State - James Hanna
Too Much Asia to Erase - Tom Sheehan
The Last of the Red Diaper Babies - Steve Slavin
The Chorus of Furies - J. Paul Ross
Arrival - Jed Neill
What George Floyd's Death Means - Or Should Mean - In Bangladesh - Iftekhar Sayeed
Peter Pater - Harlan Yarbrough
John True Eagle Goes to War - Steve Carr
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason
Along the Golan Heights - Ken Poyner
It's More Expensive To Do Nothing - Alan Swyer
Knock Knock - Stuart Stromin
A Game of Chess - Doug Dawson
The Toilet Dilemma - Nanci Lee Woody
Old School - Lowell Weber
Grandma & the KKK - Jimmy Coleman
Hope Matters, 1970-2020 - Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
Mr. Son of a Bitch - Jimmy Coleman
Made in Russia - Ben Gilbert
The Odd Couple - Sushma R Doshi
Hartal - Iftekhar Sayeed
A More Convenient Truth - B. Craig Grafton
Can't Breathe - John Grey
Who Are You? - Lorraine Caputo
the birds sing...Jesus loves is good - Jimmy Coleman
CrISIS - CLS Sandoval

Been There, Done That - Alan Swyer
Takings - T.R. Healy
Saving - Carolyn Martin
Lets Try It Another Way - Tony Covatta
Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before* - Roy N. Mason

Mother of Dead and Wounded - David Cameron
Acts - Stuart Stromin
A Modest Proposal for Making India the Richest Country in the World so that the World Learns to Respect and Not Mess with Us - Shan E Afridi

Doomsday - Catherine McGuire
Election Season - Blaise Lucey

In the Beginning Was the Word - Iftekhar Sayeed
Middle Class Aspirations in an Ominous Economy - Alison Ross
Tele/kinetic - Michael C. Keith
The Bomb Maker - Ken Poyner
Man, you should have been there - Ben Macnair
An Elegy for the News - Iftekhar Sayeed
Fox News: First Impressions and a Pot-shot or Two - Fred Russell
Sniff This! - Raud Kennedy
Fantasy Football and the Mistake of Unity - C.D. Carter
International Relations - Joseph Engar
North Korea in Fiction and as Fiction - Stephen Lee Naish
Mis[sed]information - A. J. Huffman
Pilgrimage - Jessica Morey-Collins
Lethal Injection - Frederick Pollack

Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger and U.S Foreign Policy - Stephen Lee Naish

Digital Penetration - A.J. Huffman

Apples - Donal Mahoney
Fixation - Todd Heldt
Thoreau and the Indians - Doug Draime

I Used to Laugh at People - Julie Finch
Ladies and Gentleman, does it matter? - Sean J Mahoney

Ebookery: One Sudden Perspective - Ken Poyner
Under the Sun - Holly Day
Banned Books - R.A. Riekki
Everyone Says I Should Care - A.J. Huffman
Even with Books, All Technology Devolves to Rocks - Ken Poyner
I - Marc Carver
A True McDonalds World Cup - Joseph Donnelly
Café Life - John Grey

Rocky And Bullwinkle Discuss Their Presidents - B. Craig Grafton
The Gun Show in Alabama - Ron Riekki
White Guilt - Amy Penne
Date the Candidate - Laryssa Wirstiuk
Running Parallel - Ela Meyer
Freshman Barometer - Richard King Perkins II
Less Than Wise - JD DeHart
It was a "Texas Dashcam Vid": Corrupt Cops and Black Heroines - Alison Ross
Two Llamas - Susan Jahangiri
Buy the Noise - Rick Edelstein
Medusa Returns - Titus Green
Dystopia Now: Doublethink in the 21st Century - Andrew Jury
Dove - Jeff Fleischer
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
Mumia x 2 - Kyle Heger
At Basketball - Robert Ronnow
Fowl Election - Craig Grafton
Choosing Sides: the Arab-Israel Conflict in U.S. Eyes - Fred Skolnik
Zoology - Linda Imbler
A Letter to All American Troops - Whit Young
One Second - Alison McBain
Most of the Time - Jeffrey Zable
Manufacturing Terror - Andrew Jury
Saying When - Dan Raphael
No More Secrets - Alice Benson
Necktie Party - Stephen Baily
The Beast - Zeke Jarvis
Identity Crisis - Steve Carr
Did You Ever Wonder? - Craig Grafton
Is Theatre Racist? - Grace Lu
Grandpa's Not Feeling Well - Karen Schauber
Bridge to Future Out - Matt Morris
A Star in the Making - John Grey
Postmodern Post Office Etiquette - Gaby Bedetti
Commercialism - Matt Morris
USA - James Hanna
The Zombies of Bigotry: Oscar-Snubbed "Get Out" Slashes Through White Supremacy - Alison Ross
Last Woman Standing - Jude Brigley
The Curse of Collusion - Craig Grafton
Intellectual Property - Alan Swyer
The Proverbial - Jude Brigley
Page 6 - Iftekhar Sayeed
To Themselves - John Sheirer
Our Division is Not Making America Great Again - Susan Grant
Sarajevo Monday - James Hannon
Standing for the Flag - Craig Grafton
HR - Douglas J. Ogurek
Sam the Poontang Man - James Hanna
Public Education - Ken Poyner
Wake Up - Jim Tuggle
Populist Science -- Notes from a Diary - Ted Scott
A Monster's Diary - JD DeHart
What Ravens Do - Geoffrey Miller

The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
The Neighborly Thing - Margaret Karmazin
Ken Sollop, Agent of C.H.A.N.G.E.! - Peter Dabbene
The White of the Canvas - Richie Billing
Born on a Mountaintop - James Hanna

Learning What It Takes - Ken Poyner
Thanksgiving (2016) - Dick Ault
The Parable of B.D. Mannheim - J. Paul Ross
Political Persuasion as Art and Craft - David DeLange
Trump, PI and the Case of the Masamune Sword (and Golf) - R.D. Ronstad
White Privilege - Alan Swyer
The Doctors - Howie Good
Rueful Confessions - R A Allen
The Widow's Vote - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Climate Is Changing. The Climate Is Changing - B. Craig Grafton
Orville Baumgardner and the Deep State - James Hanna
A Young Woman Reads Her Poetry in a Coffeehouse - John Grey
Intermission - Ken Poyner
The Chorus of Furies - J. Paul Ross
Orville Baumgardner and the Big Lie - James Hanna
Uptown - Holly Day
Arrival - Jed Neill
What George Floyd's Death Means - Or Should Mean - In Bangladesh - Iftekhar Sayeed
John True Eagle Goes to War - Steve Carr
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason
A Game of Chess - Doug Dawson
The Toilet Dilemma - Nanci Lee Woody
Hartal - Iftekhar Sayeed
Orville Baumgardner and the Pitiless Wind - James Hanna
CrISIS - CLS Sandoval

The Election of 2024 - Thomas Reed Willemain

Executive Order - Phil Temples
Saving - Carolyn Martin
Now It Can Be Told! - Larry Lefkowitz
Krispy Kremes - James Hanna

There is Nothing that Shakes the Brain - Richard Bissell
To the Beautiful Woman - John Grey
R. v. Aziz - Tristan Marajh
A Coup in Chuckistan - Lee Smiley
So Oblivious - Emily Dillner
Four Fifteen - Tracy Hauser
Miss Blanton, Teacher - Joan Mazza
The Glass Prostitute - Ken Poyner
Disappointed - Holly Day
Digital Penetration - A.J. Huffman
Family Planning - Ken Poyner
Telling - Carol Smallwood
A Survivors Meeting - Carol Smallwood
Under the Sun - Holly Day
Waiting for Anna - Phil Temples
Carved into the Bar - Colin Dodds
Study in Fidelity - Donal Mahoney
Dollhouse - JD DeHart
Dark Halls and Cold Hearts: The Magdalene Girls - Desiree Simons
Beneficial Brainwashing - Desiree Simons
A Matter of Proof - Carol Smallwood
A Cat in Marina Piccola - Susan Jahangiri
Fruits - James Hanna
Glass Ceiling - JD DeHart
Games People Play - Mileva Anastasiadou
Rainbow Café - James Penha
Penelope - TS Hidalgo
Saying When - Dan Raphael
Black Eyes - Julie Parks
Common Ground - Ken Poyner
USA - James Hanna
Last Woman Standing - Jude Brigley
A Victim of Democracy - Iftekhar Sayeed
Conception - Jim Tuggle
Sam the Poontang Man - James Hanna
Shut Me Down - Holly Day
The Revolution - John Grey
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
Billy Luck - DC Diamondopolous
Each of Them Could Be Us - Jude Brigley
Rueful Confessions - R A Allen
The Toilet Dilemma - Nanci Lee Woody
Made in Russia - Ben Gilbert
The Odd Couple - Sushma R Doshi
Areola Katz - Ben Gilbert

     National Security
Nickel and Dimed - Rahctel Ettoltrab
Exceptionalism - Nicholas Wilczynski

In the Beginning Was the Word - Iftekhar Sayeed
Ali Bubba and the Forty Pyrotechnics - Henry Brown
Tele/kinetic - Michael C. Keith
Middle Class Aspirations in an Ominous Economy - Alison Ross
Guest of the SSS - Sylva Nze Ifedigbo
An Elegy for the News - Iftekhar Sayeed
Fox News: First Impressions and a Pot-shot or Two - Fred Russell
Prejudice - James G. Piatt
The Market - Ken Poyner
Fantasy Football and the Mistake of Unity - C.D. Carter

Try a Little Tenderness: Lessons from Bolivia - Diane Lefer

North Korea in Fiction and as Fiction - Stephen Lee Naish
Pilgrimage - Jessica Morey-Collins
The Flames of Freedom Part 1 and Part 2 - Iftekhar Sayeed
Fixation - Todd Heldt
A Hero of Zeros - Tendai Mwanaka
Life. One long ride down a big, uphill cope... - Eldon Reishus
Vacillating Benny and Monsanto Max - Donal Mahoney
The Lynching at the Legion - Whit Young
Ash Wednesday - Donal Mahoney
The Mexican in the Bathroom - Weldon H. Sandusky
Homecoming - Peter K McShane
The Interrogation - Ken Poyner
Shake Off the Night: A Peabody Winston Back Porch Tale - Peabody Winston
Of Sons and Sacrifice - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Ladling of Agent Orange - Donal Mahoney
They're Actually Both Quite Stupid - Russ Bickerstaff
Café Life - John Grey
The Gun Show in Alabama - Ron Riekki
Situation Room - Titus Green
Spill-O Charms a Lady Cop - Colin Dodds
It was a "Texas Dashcam Vid": Corrupt Cops and Black Heroines - Alison Ross
Changes Are Coming in 2085, the Senator Says - Donal Mahoney
Touring the Launch Facility - Ken Poyner
Public Executions - Linda Imbler
Irreconcilable Differences - Ken Williams
Mumia x 2 - Kyle Heger
Choosing Sides: the Arab-Israel Conflict in U.S. Eyes - Fred Skolnik
A Letter to All American Troops - Whit Young
Don't Let the Motherfrackers Fool You - Kent Monroe
There are Fellow Travelers and then There are Fellow Travelers - Andrés Castro
One Second - Alison McBain
Manufacturing Terror - Andrew Jury
Saying When - Dan Raphael
No More Secrets - Alice Benson
Descape - Tom W. Miller
A Fairy Tale about War - Matthew McAyeal
And the Rocks Came - Lee Conrad
The Prafts and the Hywisps - Douglas J. Ogurek
The Wall - Iftekhar Sayeed
Bridge to Future Out - Matt Morris
King of Cat - H. L. Dowless
Postmodern Post Office Etiquette - Gaby Bedetti
The Searcher's Jamboree - Eric Dreyer Smith
USA - James Hanna
The Curse of Collusion - Craig Grafton
A Rice Cake at Midnight - Donal Mahoney
Déjà vu - Jim Tuggle
Boots - DC Diamondopolous
Page 6 - Iftekhar Sayeed
To Themselves - John Sheirer
Our Division is Not Making America Great Again - Susan Grant
Sarajevo Monday - James Hannon
Populist Science -- Notes from a Diary - Ted Scott
What Ravens Do - Geoffrey Miller
Searching Amongst Pictures of the Killed - Phillip Henry Christopher
Political Persuasion as Art and Craft - David DeLange
The Town without Butter - Tom Sheehan
Rueful Confessions - R A Allen
The Widow's Vote - Iftekhar Sayeed
Across the Wall - Matthew McAyeal
The Buffet - Iftekhar Sayeed
Orville Baumgardner and the Deep State - James Hanna
Too Much Asia to Erase - Tom Sheehan
Orville Baumgardner and the Big Lie - James Hanna
Arrival - Jed Neill
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason
Dark Kate - Ben Gilbert
Along the Golan Heights - Ken Poyner
Knock Knock - Stuart Stromin
A Game of Chess - Doug Dawson
Old School - Lowell Weber
Hope Matters, 1970-2020 - Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
Nothing Like You - Tim Law
Constitution - Ken Poyner
the birds sing...Jesus loves is good - Jimmy Coleman
CrISIS - CLS Sandoval
The Election of 2024 - Thomas Reed Willemain
Executive Order - Phil Temples
Now It Can Be Told! - Larry Lefkowitz
Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before* - Roy N. Mason
Krispy Kremes - James Hanna
Mother of Dead and Wounded - David Cameron
Acts - Stuart Stromin

Curiosity and the Cat - Billy Granger
Hikmet - Christian Ward
What I Think About When I Think About George W. Bush - Andrew Rihn
The Smell of Eggnog in the Morning -
Michael Frissore
Orange Scarf - Pierrino Mascarino
Just a Theory
- J. David Bell
The Shelter - Keri Mathews
And Justice for All - Nicholas Wilczynski

Ali Bubba and the Forty Pyrotechnics - Henry Brown
Extinction - Ken Poyner
Jesus Responds to a Backlog of Emails - Dorene O’Brien
Meeting my Past -
Raud Kennedy
Confessions of a Tea Party Activist - Tim Martin
Election Night Blues - Ken Poyner

Dawn's Storm - Daniel Giardina
Puppies - Raud Kennedy
Leveling the Playing Field - Paul Hostovsky
You Can Be Whatever You Want to Be - Raud Kennedy

The Sadness of Dads - Paul Hostovsky
Out on a Limb - Michael C. Keith
The President’s Last Budget Proposal - by Henry F. Tonn
Sniff This! - Raud Kennedy
International Relations - Joseph Engar
Slug Boy - Raud Kennedy
Fly - Rick Bailey
Apples - Donal Mahoney

A Hero of Zeros - Tendai Mwanaka

Family Planning - Ken Poyner
Colonel Hiram's Companions - Michael C. Keith
Caseworker Takes Notes - Donal Mahoney
Under the Sun - Holly Day
Study in Fidelity - Donal Mahoney
Dollhouse - JD DeHart
Cup Filled with Pain - Mike Bates
Flowers of Remembrance (brought to you by the magic of technicolor) - Kristin Agudelo
Time to Change - Marc Carver
The Child Who Never Was - Roy Blokker
The Environment Store - Ken Poyner
The Button Workers - Donal Mahoney

The Ladling of Agent Orange - Donal Mahoney
The Wages of Sin - Jim Barone and Bill Barone
A True McDonalds World Cup - Joseph Donnelly
The Prophecy - Phil Temples

A Pilgrim's Progress - John Grey

The Gun Show in Alabama - Ron Riekki
A Cat in Marina Piccola - Susan Jahangiri
The Ronald and the Pyramid Scheme - Donal Mahoney
A Different Perspective - Marc Carver
Spill-O Charms a Lady Cop - Colin Dodds
Fruits - James Hanna
Thy Will Be Done - Phil Temples
Two Llamas - Susan Jahangiri
Glass Ceiling - JD DeHart
Home Invasion Encore - Donal Mahoney
What is Best - Ken Poyner
Public Executions - Linda Imbler
Medusa Returns - Titus Green
Games People Play - Mileva Anastasiadou
Dove - Jeff Fleischer
Circumcision and Zyklon B - Whit Young
Going to Planned Parenthood Again - Donal Mahoney
The Queue - Ken Poyner
IRS Rollover - Craig Grafton
The Diary - Jeffrey Zable
Inexplicable Traffic Stop - Tom W. Miller
Mumia x 2 - Kyle Heger
An Urban Legend Confirmed - Donal Mahoney
At Basketball - Robert Ronnow
Riding Light - Jewel Hart
Fowl Election - Craig Grafton
Graffiti - Whit Young
Penelope - TS Hidalgo
Tickets and Contracts - Jeff Nazzaro
Zoology - Linda Imbler
A Confrontation Looms - Donal Mahoney
A House Divided - Craig Grafton
Most of the Time - Jeffrey Zable
Barnyard Security - Craig Grafton
Descape - Tom W. Miller
A Fairy Tale about War - Matthew McAyeal
When DJT was an Arctic Sea - Sean J Mahoney
Education - Ken Poyner
Aren’t You Glad We Asked? - Donal Mahoney
Common Ground - Ken Poyner
The Prafts and the Hywisps - Douglas J. Ogurek
Necktie Party - Stephen Baily
The Beast - Zeke Jarvis
Anyone Who Steps in the Way - Donal Mahoney
A Social Change - Cori Amoroso
Vendor - Ken Poyner
King of Cat - H. L. Dowless
Postmodern Post Office Etiquette - Gaby Bedetti
The Curse of Collusion - Craig Grafton
Déjà vu - Jim Tuggle
Earthfall - Antaeus
Conception - Jim Tuggle
Sam the Poontang Man - James Hanna
An Avian Wall Street - Donal Mahoney
The President and the Mouse - Yuan Changming
Still Life at the Beach - Holly Day
A Monster's Diary - JD DeHart
Born on a Mountaintop - James Hanna

Covid Kiss - Joel Schueler

The Town without Butter - Tom Sheehan
Woke - John Andreini
The Scallops of Rye Bay - Ben Gilbert
Across the Wall - Matthew McAyeal
The New Normal - Matthew McAyeal
March - Holly Day
The Odd Couple - Sushma R Doshi
Orville Baumgardner and the Pitiless Wind - James Hanna
Constitution - Ken Poyner

The Bucket - Travis Flatt
How to Exercise Your Insanity - Lowell Weber
On Safari with Hemmingway - Jeffrey Zable
Icarus's Wings - Ben Macnair
Krispy Kremes - James Hanna

My Cute Little Gypsy - Silvio Cascino
The Year the Blackbirds Died - Christian Ward
Crackling Again - Donal Mahoney
Old Maid, Old Mexico - Vivi Vargas
The Fear of "Monkeys" - Kindra J. Ferriabough
Leveling the Playing Field - Paul Hostovsky
An Elegy for the News - Iftekhar Sayeed
Fox News: First Impressions and a Pot-shot or Two - Fred Russell
Prejudice - James G. Piatt
Try a Little Tenderness: Lessons from Bolivia - Diane Lefer

Juries - Jessica Morey-Collins
Sniff This! - Raud Kennedy
Pilgrimage - Jessica Morey-Collins
Thoreau and the Indians - Doug Draime
Family Planning - Ken Poyner
Colonel Hiram's Companions - Michael C. Keith
Bear Among the Dogs - Scott Archer Jones
May Day in Munich, 2013 - James Hannon
Shake Off the Night: A Peabody Winston Back Porch Tale - Peabody Winston
Of Sons and Sacrifice - Iftekhar Sayeed
Indian Jokes - Stacey Margaret Jones
White Guilt - Amy Penne
Less Than Wise - JD DeHart
It was a "Texas Dashcam Vid": Corrupt Cops and Black Heroines - Alison Ross
Affirmative Hiring - B.Craig Grafton
Thy Will Be Done - Phil Temples
Diversity - Alan Swyer
Tiger, Tiger! - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Diary - Jeffrey Zable
Inexplicable Traffic Stop - Tom W. Miller
Mumia x 2 - Kyle Heger
Choosing Sides: the Arab-Israel Conflict in U.S. Eyes - Fred Skolnik
One Second - Alison McBain
Imperfect Storm Ends in a Rainbow - Donal Mahoney
Abuelo's Last Wish: Independence - Andrés Castro
A Fairy Tale about War - Matthew McAyeal
Repair the World - Sandor Elias Blum
Is Theatre Racist? - Grace Lu
The Searcher's Jamboree - Eric Dreyer Smith
USA - James Hanna
The Zombies of Bigotry: Oscar-Snubbed "Get Out" Slashes Through White Supremacy - Alison Ross
A Rice Cake at Midnight - Donal Mahoney
Job Collateral Lies Dead on Compton Creek - Ron Dowell
Colonization - Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
Sarajevo Monday - James Hannon
A Traffic Stop Where No One Was Shot - Donal Mahoney
White Lies - Iftekhar Sayeed
A Trick My Father Learned in Prison - Donal Mahoney
Jury Duty - Alan Swyer
What Ravens Do - Geoffrey Miller
Crystal Night - Ben Gilbert
(wh)it(e) - Iftekhar Sayeed
Evolution 2: The Roots of Racism - Fred Russell
Searching Amongst Pictures of the Killed - Phillip Henry Christopher
Epistemologies of Ignorance - Howie Good
Born on a Mountaintop - James Hanna
Woke - John Andreini
White Privilege - Alan Swyer
The Last Nazi - John Grey
Too Much Asia to Erase - Tom Sheehan
The Chorus of Furies - J. Paul Ross
All the White People - Sue Granzella
Uptown - Holly Day
Arrival - Jed Neill
John True Eagle Goes to War - Steve Carr
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason
Knock Knock - Stuart Stromin
Grandma & the KKK - Jimmy Coleman
Hope Matters, 1970-2020 - Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
Mr. Son of a Bitch - Jimmy Coleman
The Odd Couple - Sushma R Doshi
A More Convenient Truth - B. Craig Grafton
Can't Breathe - John Grey
The Election of 2024 - Thomas Reed Willemain
Acts - Stuart Stromin
A Modest Proposal for Making India the Richest Country in the World so that the World Learns to Respect and Not Mess with Us - Shan E Afridi

The Inquisition Game - Richard Bissell
From the West - Kamur Leumas
The Legacy of Charles Darwin - David A. Stelzig
God - Barry Pomeroy
Word - Gale Acuff
What's Wrong With this Picture? - Cynthia Bissell
Just a Theory
- J. David Bell
- Lee Smiley
Religion or Politics - James R. Silvestri
The Missing Commandment - Ted Scott

You Are All Blind - Alejandro Patagonia T
Jesus Responds to a Backlog of Emails - Dorene O’Brien
Slug Boy - Raud Kennedy
Ladies and Gentleman, does it matter? - Sean J Mahoney

Telling - Carol Smallwood

Bible Times Dinner Theater - JD DeHart
My Writing - Anthony Villett
Under the Sun - Holly Day
Padre Lamente - Michael C. Keith
The Child Who Never Was - Roy Blokker
Dark Halls and Cold Hearts: The Magdalene Girls - Desiree Simons
The Wages of Sin - Jim Barone and Bill Barone
The Prophecy - Phil Temples
A Matter of Proof - Carol Smallwood
Thy Will Be Done - Phil Temples
Dove - Jeff Fleischer
Circumcision and Zyklon B - Whit Young
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
Graffiti - Whit Young
Don't Let the Motherfrackers Fool You - Kent Monroe
A Fairy Tale about War - Matthew McAyeal
The Prafts and the Hywisps - Douglas J. Ogurek
The End of the World - Matthew McAyeal
And It's Not His Fault - Donal Mahoney
Honk for Jesus - Mitchell Waldman
Bibles - John Grey
Déjà vu - Jim Tuggle
Conception - Jim Tuggle
A Watery Pilgrimage - Ahsan Chowdhury
Along the Golan Heights - Ken Poyner
Profit and Loss - Phillip Temples

Avant-Garde Art during the Soviet Revolution - Melissa Major
In the Beginning Was the Word - Iftekhar Sayeed

Middle Class Aspirations in an Ominous Economy - Alison Ross

Ali Bubba and the Forty Pyrotechnics - Henry Brown
Tele/kinetic - Michael C. Keith
A Coup in Chuckistan - Lee Smiley
No - Tunji Ajibade
Guest of the SSS - Sylva Nze Ifedigbo
Abolish Work: The Art of Zen-Surrealism - Alison Ross
The President’s Last Budget Proposal - by Henry F. Tonn
The Flames of Freedom Part 1 and Part 2 - Iftekhar Sayeed
A Hero of Zeros - Tendai Mwanaka
A Vision of Venus - Iftekhar Sayeed
Of Sons and Sacrifice - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Wages of Sin - Jim Barone and Bill Barone
The Prophecy - Phil Temples
Contemporaries - Gary Beck
Changes Are Coming in 2085, the Senator Says - Donal Mahoney
A House Divided - Craig Grafton

Don't Let the Motherfrackers Fool You - Kent Monroe
Barnyard Security - Craig Grafton
A Fairy Tale about War - Matthew McAyeal
And the Rocks Came - Lee Conrad
The Prafts and the Hywisps - Douglas J. Ogurek
The Wall - Iftekhar Sayeed
Grandpa's Not Feeling Well - Karen Schauber
King of Cat - H. L. Dowless
A Trick My Father Learned in Prison - Donal Mahoney
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
The Town without Butter - Tom Sheehan
Woke - John Andreini
The Big Down Boys - Steve Carr
Practicality - Ken Poyner
Across the Wall - Matthew McAyeal
The Last of the Red Diaper Babies - Steve Slavin
The New Normal - Matthew McAyeal
Peter Pater - Harlan Yarbrough
The Toilet Dilemma - Nanci Lee Woody
Old School - Lowell Weber
The Accidental Bureaucrat - Charis Emanon
Grandma & the KKK - Jimmy Coleman
Hope Matters, 1970-2020 - Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
Hartal - Iftekhar Sayeed
Been There, Done That - Alan Swyer
Takings - T.R. Healy
Krispy Kremes - James Hanna
Acts - Stuart Stromin

     Social / Economic Inequality
The ycle - Shawna
Giving in the Holiday Season - Barry Pomeroy
In Toronto - Tony Tracy

The Office 2.0 - Thomas Sullivan
Salt Mine Exchange - Christopher Woods
Winter Kills - Kyle Hemmings
Rose Thorn Walls - Kaye Branch
Downsizing - Ben Macnair
An Odd Act Of Grace - Frank Miller
To the Beautiful Woman
- John Grey
Exceptionalism - Nicholas Wilczynski
Wall Street - Donal Mahoney
R. v. Aziz - Tristan Marajh
Cry - Caroline Kepnes
Let Them Eat Cake - Richard Bissell
Nazi - John Grey
Fernando - Silvio Cascino
Keepers of the Gate - Ray Blackwood
In the Beginning Was the Word - Iftekhar Sayeed
Middle Class Aspirations in an Ominous Economy - Alison Ross
Crackling Again - Donal Mahoney
Old Maid, Old Mexico - Vivi Vargas
Caseworker Determining Eligibility - Donal Mahoney

A Coup in Chuckistan - Lee Smiley
No - Tunji Ajibade
The Fear of "Monkeys" - Kindra J. Ferriabough
The Beggar’s Leg - Adam Valen Levinson
Dawn's Storm - Daniel Giardina

Puppies - Raud Kennedy
So Oblivious - Emily Dillner
Leveling the Playing Field - Paul Hostovsky
You Can Be Whatever You Want to Be - Raud Kennedy

An Elegy for the News - Iftekhar Sayeed
Abolish Work: The Art of Zen-Surrealism - Alison Ross
The President’s Last Budget Proposal - by Henry F. Tonn
The Fragging Episode - Jim Valvis
Prejudice - James G. Piatt

Strays - Raud Kennedy
Swisher Sweets - James Valvis
The Market - Ken Poyner
Homophobia - Paul Hostovsky
Sniff This! - Raud Kennedy
Try a Little Tenderness: Lessons from Bolivia - Diane Lefer

Juries - Jessica Morey-Collins
Four Fifteen - Tracy Hauser
When Autism Had No Name - Donal Mahoney

The Old Ward - Frederick Pollack
Miss Blanton, Teacher - Joan Mazza
Mis[sed]information - A. J. Huffman
Pilgrimage - Jessica Morey-Collins
My Dinner with Barack Obama - Joel Patterson
The Flames of Freedom Part 1 and Part 2 - Iftekhar Sayeed
Lethal Injection - Frederick Pollack

The Glass Prostitute - Ken Poyner
Disappointed - Holly Day
Digital Penetration - A.J. Huffman
Apples - Donal Mahoney
A Hero of Zeros - Tendai Mwanaka

Life. One long ride down a big, uphill cope... - Eldon Reishus

Thoreau and the Indians - Doug Draime

I Used to Laugh at People - Julie Finch

Family Planning - Ken Poyner
Ladies and Gentleman, does it matter? - Sean J Mahoney
Colonel Hiram's Companions - Michael C. Keith

Telling - Carol Smallwood
A Survivors Meeting - Carol Smallwood
Bear Among the Dogs - Scott Archer Jones
Dear Job - John Grey
Smoke and Mirrors - Michael C. Keith
Under the Sun - Holly Day
Miasma - Iftekhar Sayeed
Waiting for Anna - Phil Temples
The Mexican in the Bathroom - Weldon H. Sandusky
Amenities - JD DeHart
Banned Books - R.A. Riekki
Carved into the Bar - Colin Dodds
Study in Fidelity - Donal Mahoney

Dollhouse - JD DeHart
Cup Filled with Pain - Mike Bates
Homecoming - Peter K McShane
Flowers of Remembrance (brought to you by the magic of technicolor) - Kristin Agudelo
Everyone Says I Should Care - A.J. Huffman
Time to Change - Marc Carver

A Vision of Venus - Iftekhar Sayeed
A Penny for Your Thinking - Whit Young
The Last Case - Alan Swyer
Dark Halls and Cold Hearts: The Magdalene Girls - Desiree Simons

The Button Workers - Donal Mahoney

Small Clemency - JD DeHart
Of Sons and Sacrifice - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Murderers Among Us - Roy Blokker
Beneficial Brainwashing - Desiree Simons
The Ladling of Agent Orange - Donal Mahoney
I - Marc Carver
The Wages of Sin - Jim Barone and Bill Barone
Indian Jokes - Stacey Margaret Jones

Twin Girls, 1948 - Donal Mahoney
A Pilgrim's Progress - John Grey

Toots - T.R. Healy
White Guilt - Amy Penne
The Dove Handler - Andrew J. Hogan
Date the Candidate - Laryssa Wirstiuk
Three Stooges - Marc Carver
Running Parallel - Ela Meyer
Grease Poet - Richard King Perkins II
A Matter of Proof - Carol Smallwood
Freshman Barometer - Richard King Perkins II
I Am a Yo-Yo - Christopher Davis
A Cat in Marina Piccola - Susan Jahangiri
The Ronald and the Pyramid Scheme - Donal Mahoney
Spill-O Charms a Lady Cop - Colin Dodds
It was a "Texas Dashcam Vid": Corrupt Cops and Black Heroines - Alison Ross
A School for Freedom - Iftekhar Sayeed
Fruits - James Hanna
Affirmative Hiring - B.Craig Grafton
Thy Will Be Done - Phil Temples

The Night - Holly Day
Diversity - Alan Swyer
Changes Are Coming in 2085, the Senator Says - Donal Mahoney
Glass Ceiling - JD DeHart
Slavery by Another Name - Kayla Blau
Home Invasion Encore - Donal Mahoney
What is Best - Ken Poyner
Buy the Noise - Rick Edelstein
Going to Planned Parenthood Again - Donal Mahoney
Tiger, Tiger! - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Queue - Ken Poyner
Herein, the Job - John Grey
IRS Rollover - Craig Grafton
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
Irreconcilable Differences - Ken Williams
Rainbow Café - James Penha
The Diary - Jeffrey Zable
Inexplicable Traffic Stop - Tom W. Miller
An Urban Legend Confirmed - Donal Mahoney
At Basketball - Robert Ronnow
Fowl Election - Craig Grafton
Penelope - TS Hidalgo
Tickets and Contracts - Jeff Nazzaro
Choosing Sides: the Arab-Israel Conflict in U.S. Eyes - Fred Skolnik
A Confrontation Looms - Donal Mahoney
Jessie Refers to Herself as a Housewife - John Grey
Don't Let the Motherfrackers Fool You - Kent Monroe
One Second - Alison McBain
Most of the Time - Jeffrey Zable
Manufacturing Terror - Andrew Jury
Saying When - Dan Raphael
Imperfect Storm Ends in a Rainbow - Donal Mahoney
Barnyard Security - Craig Grafton
Abuelo's Last Wish: Independence - Andrés Castro
No More Secrets - Alice Benson
Black Eyes - Julie Parks
A Fairy Tale about War - Matthew McAyeal
Common Ground - Ken Poyner
The Prafts and the Hywisps - Douglas J. Ogurek
Necktie Party - Stephen Baily
Chameleon - Alan Swyer
Repair the World - Sandor Elias Blum
The Wall - Iftekhar Sayeed
Is Theatre Racist? - Grace Lu
A Social Change - Cori Amoroso

Bridge to Future Out - Matt Morris
Vendor - Ken Poyner
Song of Doom - Matt Nagin
A Star in the Making - John Grey
And It's Not His Fault - Donal Mahoney
Commercialism - Matt Morris
The Searcher's Jamboree - Eric Dreyer Smith
The Zombies of Bigotry: Oscar-Snubbed "Get Out" Slashes Through White Supremacy - Alison Ross
Last Woman Standing - Jude Brigley
Intellectual Property - Alan Swyer
Boots - DC Diamondopolous
Page 6 - Iftekhar Sayeed
A Day in the High Life of a Steel Walker - H.L. Dowless
Job Collateral Lies Dead on Compton Creek - Ron Dowell
Larder Bare with People Hungry - Donal Mahoney
A Victim of Democracy - Iftekhar Sayeed
Love in Three Rooms - Richard Risemberg
The Hermit of Breakheart Woods - Tom Sheehan
When the North Star Falls - Ben Gilbert
Collector - Ken Poyner
Sarajevo Monday - James Hannon
Trifecta - Don McLellan
Standing for the Flag - Craig Grafton
Choose Life, Choose Homelessness - Amanda Steel
HR - Douglas J. Ogurek
Sam the Poontang Man - James Hanna
An Avian Wall Street - Donal Mahoney
A Traffic Stop Where No One Was Shot - Donal Mahoney
Team Player - James Hannon
White Lies - Iftekhar Sayeed
Cy's Queer! - Jimmy Pappas
Shut Me Down - Holly Day
The President and the Mouse - Yuan Changming
A Trick My Father Learned in Prison - Donal Mahoney
The Rein In Spain - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Revolution - John Grey
Jury Duty - Alan Swyer
What Ravens Do - Geoffrey Miller
Crystal Night - Ben Gilbert
(wh)it(e) - Iftekhar Sayeed
Billy Luck - DC Diamondopolous

Searching Amongst Pictures of the Killed - Phillip Henry Christopher
The White of the Canvas - Richie Billing
Epistemologies of Ignorance - Howie Good
Learning What It Takes - Ken Poyner
The Parable of B.D. Mannheim - J. Paul Ross
Each of Them Could Be Us - Jude Brigley
The Town without Butter - Tom Sheehan

Woke - John Andreini
Why She Went In - Julie Sichi
White Privilege - Alan Swyer
The Doctors - Howie Good
The Widow's Vote - Iftekhar Sayeed
Late for Work Again - Matt Morris
The Big Down Boys - Steve Carr
Splinters - Tim Goldstone
The Last Nazi - John Grey
The Scallops of Rye Bay - Ben Gilbert
Across the Wall - Matthew McAyeal
A Made Boy - Jeffrey Zable
The Buffet - Iftekhar Sayeed
Orville Baumgardner and the Deep State - James Hanna
Too Much Asia to Erase - Tom Sheehan
Prayer for My Daughter - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Last of the Red Diaper Babies - Steve Slavin
The Chorus of Furies - J. Paul Ross
The New Normal - Matthew McAyeal
Orville Baumgardner and the Big Lie - James Hanna
All the White People - Sue Granzella
Arrival - Jed Neill
What George Floyd's Death Means - Or Should Mean - In Bangladesh - Iftekhar Sayeed
Peter Pater - Harlan Yarbrough
A Watery Pilgrimage - Ahsan Chowdhury
John True Eagle Goes to War - Steve Carr
Uncle Frank - Don McLellan
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason
Along the Golan Heights - Ken Poyner
It's More Expensive To Do Nothing - Alan Swyer
Knock Knock - Stuart Stromin
The Toilet Dilemma - Nanci Lee Woody
Old School - Lowell Weber
Grandma & the KKK - Jimmy Coleman
Hope Matters, 1970-2020 - Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
Mr. Son of a Bitch - Jimmy Coleman
Made in Russia - Ben Gilbert
The Odd Couple - Sushma R Doshi
A Lesson in Cultural Priorities - Phyllis Houseman
Hartal - Iftekhar Sayeed
A More Convenient Truth - B. Craig Grafton
Can't Breathe - John Grey
Nothing Like You - Tim Law
Who Are You? - Lorraine Caputo
The Bucket - Travis Flatt
Acquiring Wealth - Gil Hoy
Been There, Done That - Alan Swyer
Takings - T.R. Healy
Areola Katz - Ben Gilbert
Lets Try It Another Way - Tony Covatta
Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before* - Roy N. Mason
Mother of Dead and Wounded - David Cameron
A Modest Proposal for Making India the Richest Country in the World so that the World Learns to Respect and Not Mess with Us - Shan E Afridi

The Never-ending Cycle - Amina Baljic
A Cruel Trick - Sam Virzi
First Sin - David A. Stelzig
Nazi - John Grey
Keepers of the Gate - Ray Blackwood
Fernando - Silvio Cascino
You Are All Blind - Alejandro Patagonia T
The Fear of "Monkeys" - Kindra J. Ferriabough

Puppies - Raud Kennedy
Man, you should have been there - Ben Macnair
So Oblivious - Emily Dillner
Leveling the Playing Field - Paul Hostovsky
You Can Be Whatever You Want to Be - Raud Kennedy

The Sadness of Dads - Paul Hostovsky
Abolish Work: The Art of Zen-Surrealism - Alison Ross
The Fragging Episode - Jim Valvis
Prejudice - James G. Piatt

In Summation - Holly Day
Strays - Raud Kennedy
Swisher Sweets - James Valvis
Homophobia - Paul Hostovsky
Try a Little Tenderness: Lessons from Bolivia - Diane Lefer
Juries - Jessica Morey-Collins
When Autism Had No Name - Donal Mahoney
Four Fifteen - Tracy Hauser

The Old Ward - Frederick Pollack
Doppleman’s Double - Michael C. Keith
Miss Blanton, Teacher - Joan Mazza
North Korea in Fiction and as Fiction - Stephen Lee Naish
Mis[sed]information - A. J. Huffman
Pilgrimage - Jessica Morey-Collins
My Dinner with Barack Obama - Joel Patterson
Lethal Injection - Frederick Pollack

The Glass Prostitute - Ken Poyner
Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger and U.S Foreign Policy - Stephen Lee Naish

Disappointed - Holly Day

Digital Penetration - A.J. Huffman
Apples - Donal Mahoney
I Used to Laugh at People - Julie Finch

Family Planning - Ken Poyner
Ladies and Gentleman, does it matter? - Sean J Mahoney
Colonel Hiram's Companions - Michael C. Keith

Telling - Carol Smallwood
Jason - Holly Day
A Survivors Meeting - Carol Smallwood

Bear Among the Dogs - Scott Archer Jones

Dear Job - John Grey

Smoke and Mirrors - Michael C. Keith

The Lynching at the Legion - Whit Young

Under the Sun - Holly Day

Ash Wednesday - Donal Mahoney
Waiting for Anna - Phil Temples
The Mexican in the Bathroom - Weldon H. Sandusky
Padre Lamente - Michael C. Keith
Amenities - JD DeHart
Carved into the Bar - Colin Dodds
Study in Fidelity - Donal Mahoney

Dollhouse - JD DeHart
Homecoming - Peter K McShane
May Day in Munich, 2013 - James Hannon
Dark Halls and Cold Hearts: The Magdalene Girls - Desiree Simons

Shake Off the Night: A Peabody Winston Back Porch Tale - Peabody Winston
The Button Workers - Donal Mahoney

Small Clemency - JD DeHart
Of Sons and Sacrifice - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Murderers Among Us - Roy Blokker
The Ladling of Agent Orange - Donal Mahoney
Even with Books, All Technology Devolves to Rocks - Ken Poyner
I - Marc Carver
The Wages of Sin - Jim Barone and Bill Barone
A True McDonalds World Cup - Joseph Donnelly
The Prophecy - Phil Temples

Indian Jokes - Stacey Margaret Jones

Twin Girls, 1948 - Donal Mahoney
A Pilgrim's Progress - John Grey

The Gun Show in Alabama - Ron Riekki
Toots - T.R. Healy
White Guilt - Amy Penne
The Dove Handler - Andrew J. Hogan
Date the Candidate - Laryssa Wirstiuk
Three Stooges - Marc Carver
Running Parallel - Ela Meyer
Grease Poet - Richard King Perkins II
A Matter of Proof - Carol Smallwood
Freshman Barometer - Richard King Perkins II

Less Than Wise - JD DeHart

I Am a Yo-Yo - Christopher Davis
A Cat in Marina Piccola - Susan Jahangiri
A Different Perspective - Marc Carver

Spill-O Charms a Lady Cop - Colin Dodds
It was a "Texas Dashcam Vid": Corrupt Cops and Black Heroines - Alison Ross
A School for Freedom - Iftekhar Sayeed

Fruits - James Hanna
Affirmative Hiring - B.Craig Grafton
Thy Will Be Done - Phil Temples

The Night - Holly Day
Diversity - Alan Swyer
Contemporaries - Gary Beck
Changes Are Coming in 2085, the Senator Says - Donal Mahoney
Glass Ceiling - JD DeHart
Touring the Launch Facility - Ken Poyner
Slavery by Another Name - Kayla Blau

Games People Play - Mileva Anastasiadou
Dystopia Now: Doublethink in the 21st Century - Andrew Jury

Going to Planned Parenthood Again - Donal Mahoney
Tiger, Tiger! - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Queue - Ken Poyner
Herein, the Job - John Grey
The Bell Tower - DC Diamondopolous
Irreconcilable Differences - Ken Williams
Rainbow Café - James Penha
Inexplicable Traffic Stop - Tom W. Miller
Mumia x 2 - Kyle Heger
At Basketball - Robert Ronnow

Riding Light - Jewel Hart
Graffiti - Whit Young

Penelope - TS Hidalgo
Tickets and Contracts - Jeff Nazzaro
Choosing Sides: the Arab-Israel Conflict in U.S. Eyes - Fred Skolnik

Zoology - Linda Imbler
A Letter to All American Troops - Whit Young
Leaves of Grass: An Apothecary - DC Diamondopolous
Jessie Refers to Herself as a Housewife - John Grey
There are Fellow Travelers and then There are Fellow Travelers - Andrés Castro
One Second - Alison McBain

Most of the Time - Jeffrey Zable
Manufacturing Terror - Andrew Jury
Saying When - Dan Raphael
Imperfect Storm Ends in a Rainbow - Donal Mahoney
Barnyard Security - Craig Grafton
Horses - John Grey
Abuelo's Last Wish: Independence - Andrés Castro
Black Eyes - Julie Parks
Descape - Tom W. Miller
A Fairy Tale about War - Matthew McAyeal
Education - Ken Poyner
Aren’t You Glad We Asked? - Donal Mahoney

Common Ground - Ken Poyner
The Prafts and the Hywisps - Douglas J. Ogurek
Necktie Party - Stephen Baily
Chameleon - Alan Swyer
The Beast - Zeke Jarvis
Repair the World - Sandor Elias Blum
Identity Crisis - Steve Carr
The Wall - Iftekhar Sayeed
Did You Ever Wonder? - Craig Grafton
Anyone Who Steps in the Way - Donal Mahoney
Is Theatre Racist? - Grace Lu
A Social Change - Cori Amoroso

Grandpa's Not Feeling Well - Karen Schauber
Bridge to Future Out - Matt Morris
Vendor - Ken Poyner
King of Cat - H. L. Dowless

Song of Doom - Matt Nagin
A Star in the Making - John Grey
Postmodern Post Office Etiquette - Gaby Bedetti
Commercialism - Matt Morris
The Searcher's Jamboree - Eric Dreyer Smith
USA - James Hanna
The Zombies of Bigotry: Oscar-Snubbed "Get Out" Slashes Through White Supremacy - Alison Ross
Last Woman Standing - Jude Brigley
Honk for Jesus - Mitchell Waldman
Intellectual Property - Alan Swyer
Bibles - John Grey
The Proverbial - Jude Brigley
Déjà vu - Jim Tuggle
Boots - DC Diamondopolous
A Day in the High Life of a Steel Walker - H.L. Dowless
To Themselves - John Sheirer
Job Collateral Lies Dead on Compton Creek - Ron Dowell
A Victim of Democracy - Iftekhar Sayeed
Conception - Jim Tuggle
Love in Three Rooms - Richard Risemberg
Our Division is Not Making America Great Again - Susan Grant
The Hermit of Breakheart Woods - Tom Sheehan
When the North Star Falls - Ben Gilbert
Collector - Ken Poyner
Sarajevo Monday - James Hannon
Trifecta - Don McLellan
Standing for the Flag - Craig Grafton
Choose Life, Choose Homelessness - Amanda Steel
HR - Douglas J. Ogurek
Gay Is… - Stephen Schwei
Sam the Poontang Man - James Hanna
Monday Afternoon, Norfolk Prison - James Hannon
Public Education - Ken Poyner
An Avian Wall Street - Donal Mahoney
The Day When There Is No Longer Any Way to Avoid the Apocalypse - Ken Poyner
A Traffic Stop Where No One Was Shot - Donal Mahoney
Populist Science -- Notes from a Diary - Ted Scott
Team Player - James Hannon
White Lies - Iftekhar Sayeed
A Poem by a Body Washed up on the Shore - John Grey
Cy's Queer! - Jimmy Pappas

Shut Me Down - Holly Day
The President and the Mouse - Yuan Changming
A Trick My Father Learned in Prison - Donal Mahoney
The Revolution - John Grey

Jury Duty - Alan Swyer
A Monster's Diary - JD DeHart
What Ravens Do - Geoffrey Miller

Crystal Night - Ben Gilbert
The Clockwork Prophet - Titus Green
(wh)it(e) - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Neighborly Thing - Margaret Karmazin
Billy Luck - DC Diamondopolous

Ken Sollop, Agent of C.H.A.N.G.E.! - Peter Dabbene
Evolution 2: The Roots of Racism - Fred Russell

Searching Amongst Pictures of the Killed - Phillip Henry Christopher
The White of the Canvas - Richie Billing
Epistemologies of Ignorance - Howie Good
Born on a Mountaintop - James Hanna

Covid Kiss - Joel Schueler

Thanksgiving (2016) - Dick Ault
The Parable of B.D. Mannheim - J. Paul Ross
Each of Them Could Be Us - Jude Brigley
Political Persuasion as Art and Craft - David DeLange
The Town without Butter - Tom Sheehan

Woke - John Andreini
COVID-19 - Ken Poyner
Why She Went In - Julie Sichi
White Privilege - Alan Swyer
The Doctors - Howie Good
The Big Down Boys - Steve Carr
The Climate Is Changing. The Climate Is Changing - B. Craig Grafton
A Made Boy - Jeffrey Zable
Too Much Asia to Erase - Tom Sheehan
A Young Woman Reads Her Poetry in a Coffeehouse - John Grey
Intermission - Ken Poyner
Prayer for My Daughter - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Hunt - Ben Gilbert
The Last of the Red Diaper Babies - Steve Slavin
The Chorus of Furies - J. Paul Ross
March - Holly Day
All the White People - Sue Granzella
Uptown - Holly Day
These Hands - Nanci Woody
What George Floyd's Death Means - Or Should Mean - In Bangladesh - Iftekhar Sayeed
Peter Pater - Harlan Yarbrough
A Watery Pilgrimage - Ahsan Chowdhury
John True Eagle Goes to War - Steve Carr
Uncle Frank - Don McLellan
Unpatriotic Teenage Shooting Victims Continue to Thwart the Constitutional Rights of Joe the Plumber - Seth Cason
It's More Expensive To Do Nothing - Alan Swyer
The Toilet Dilemma - Nanci Lee Woody
The Accidental Bureaucrat - Charis Emanon
Grandma & the KKK - Jimmy Coleman
Hope Matters, 1970-2020 - Kathleen Zamboni McCormick
Mr. Son of a Bitch - Jimmy Coleman
Made in Russia - Ben Gilbert
The Odd Couple - Sushma R Doshi
A Lesson in Cultural Priorities - Phyllis Houseman
A More Convenient Truth - B. Craig Grafton
Orville Baumgardner and the Pitiless Wind - James Hanna
Nothing Like You - Tim Law
Acquiring Wealth - Gil Hoy
How to Exercise Your Insanity - Lowell Weber

Areola Katz - Ben Gilbert
Lets Try It Another Way - Tony Covatta
Acts - Stuart Stromin

     Societal Collapse
K as in - Megan
Over Amber Waves of Grain - Holly Day
The Alarm Has Sounded - Gary Beck
Exceptionalism - Nicholas Wilczynski
Keepers of the Gate - Ray Blackwood

No - Tunji Ajibade
Dawn's Storm - Daniel Giardina

All That Comes From Ores - Eleanor Leonne Bennett
Out on a Limb - Michael C. Keith
Back in her Day - John Grey
The Market - Ken Poyner
Doppleman’s Double - Michael C. Keith
Mis[sed]information - A. J. Huffman
The Flames of Freedom Part 1 and Part 2 - Iftekhar Sayeed
Sleep Apnea or Agent Orange: Let's Hear It for Monsanto! - Donal Mahoney
Fixation - Todd Heldt
A Hero of Zeros - Tendai Mwanaka

Life. One long ride down a big, uphill cope... - Eldon Reishus
I Used to Laugh at People - Julie Finch
Family Planning - Ken Poyner

Ladies and Gentleman, does it matter? - Sean J Mahoney
The Internet Café at the End of the World - Todd Heldt
Time to Change - Marc Carver

A Vision of Venus - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Ladling of Agent Orange - Donal Mahoney
They're Actually Both Quite Stupid - Russ Bickerstaff
Home Invasion Encore - Donal Mahoney
Public Executions - Linda Imbler
Dystopia Now: Doublethink in the 21st Century - Andrew Jury
Tickets and Contracts - Jeff Nazzaro
Saying When - Dan Raphael
Abuelo's Last Wish: Independence - Andrés Castro
A Fairy Tale about War - Matthew McAyeal
The Wall - Iftekhar Sayeed
Bridge to Future Out - Matt Morris
USA - James Hanna
Earthfall - Antaeus
Our Division is Not Making America Great Again - Susan Grant
Populist Science -- Notes from a Diary - Ted Scott
COVID-19 - Ken Poyner
The Buffet - Iftekhar Sayeed
Dark Kate - Ben Gilbert
Along the Golan Heights - Ken Poyner

Bullet's Edge - Oritsegbemi Emmanuel Jakpa
The Show - John Grey
Extraordinary Rendition
- Marva Dasef
Make Love Not War - John Rachel
War Stories - Daniel W. Davis
Two Women from West Virginia - Curtis Smith
Go Ducks!
- Thomas Sullivan
The Missing Commandment - Ted Scott

In the Beginning Was the Word - Iftekhar Sayeed
Ali Bubba and the Forty Pyrotechnics - Henry Brown
Crackling Again - Donal Mahoney
Tele/kinetic - Michael C. Keith
The Bomb Maker - Ken Poyner
Love Letters from Vietnam - Deb C. Gaisford
Guest of the SSS - Sylva Nze Ifedigbo
An Elegy for the News - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Fragging Episode - Jim Valvis
It's Best to Leave Cootie Alone - Donal Mahoney
The Market - Ken Poyner
North Korea in Fiction and as Fiction - Stephen Lee Naish
Mis[sed]information - A. J. Huffman
The Flames of Freedom Part 1 and Part 2 - Iftekhar Sayeed
Commando, Arnold Schwarzenegger and U.S Foreign Policy - Stephen Lee Naish

Fixation - Todd Heldt
The Internet Café at the End of the World - Todd Heldt
Vacillating Benny and Monsanto Max - Donal Mahoney
The Lynching at the Legion - Whit Young
Miasma - Iftekhar Sayeed
Ash Wednesday - Donal Mahoney
Cup Filled with Pain - Mike Bates
Homecoming - Peter K McShane
Flowers of Remembrance (brought to you by the magic of technicolor) - Kristin Agudelo
A Vision of Venus - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Interrogation - Ken Poyner
May Day in Munich, 2013 - James Hannon
Shake Off the Night: A Peabody Winston Back Porch Tale - Peabody Winston
Of Sons and Sacrifice - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Ladling of Agent Orange - Donal Mahoney
They're Actually Both Quite Stupid - Russ Bickerstaff
Café Life - John Grey

Situation Room - Titus Green
Contemporaries - Gary Beck
Touring the Launch Facility - Ken Poyner
Circumcision and Zyklon B - Whit Young
Irreconcilable Differences - Ken Williams
The Diary - Jeffrey Zable
Mumia x 2 - Kyle Heger
Choosing Sides: the Arab-Israel Conflict in U.S. Eyes - Fred Skolnik
A Letter to All American Troops - Whit Young
One Second - Alison McBain
Descape - Tom W. Miller
A Fairy Tale about War - Matthew McAyeal
The Prafts and the Hywisps - Douglas J. Ogurek
The Wall - Iftekhar Sayeed
King of Cat - H. L. Dowless
A Rice Cake at Midnight - Donal Mahoney
Déjà vu - Jim Tuggle
Boots - DC Diamondopolous
Sarajevo Monday - James Hannon
A Trick My Father Learned in Prison - Donal Mahoney
What Ravens Do - Geoffrey Miller

Crystal Night - Ben Gilbert
Searching Amongst Pictures of the Killed - Phillip Henry Christopher
Epistemologies of Ignorance - Howie Good
Born on a Mountaintop - James Hanna

Marathon - Iftekhar Sayeed
The Widow's Vote - Iftekhar Sayeed
Splinters - Tim Goldstone
Practicality - Ken Poyner
The Last Nazi - John Grey
Across the Wall - Matthew McAyeal
The Buffet - Iftekhar Sayeed
The New Normal - Matthew McAyeal
Arrival - Jed Neill
John True Eagle Goes to War - Steve Carr
Dark Kate - Ben Gilbert
Along the Golan Heights - Ken Poyner
Knock Knock - Stuart Stromin
A Game of Chess - Doug Dawson
Nothing Like You - Tim Law
the birds sing...Jesus loves is good - Jimmy Coleman
CrISIS - CLS Sandoval

The Bucket - Travis Flatt

All Content Copyright of Fear of Monkeys