To Know
The Moor Macaque is endemic to the tropical rainforests and
grasslands of the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. Their diet consists
of they eat figs, bamboo seeds, buds, sprouts, invertebrates and
cereals. They have brown to black body fur with a pale rump patch
and pink bare skin on the rump and are about 55 centimetres in height.
They are sometimes called a "dog-ape" because of their dog-like
muzzle, although they are no more closely related to apes than any
other Old World monkey. Adult male moor macaques do not interact
frequently, although the interactions that occur frequently involve
affiliation rather than aggression, with greetings being the most
common form of interaction. The greetings enable males to show their
willingness to invest in the relationship, and may represent one
way for adult males to ease social tension and build social bonds.
The moor macaque is threatened mostly due to habitat loss from an
expanding human population and deforestation to increase agricultural
land area. The population is estimated to have decreased from 56,000
to under 10,000 from 1983 to 1994. In 1992, Supriatna et al. conducted
an extensive survey and found only 3,000-5,000 individuals of the
species. The survey estimated densities to be 25-50 individuals
per kilometre. Several Sulawesi macaque species are endangered,
and information on their ecology and behaviour is desperate needed
if conservation plans are to be effective.
Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
I drank large draughts of water
So did my men
Then we built a cairn from stones that were
white and round like women's breasts
We planted a cross and prayed
and I made our claim
Lacking a notary we were our own witnesses
and these included Rugerio Cabrera
the most honest man in our home province
We built a gallows
though we didn't employ it
A bird landed on it and used it as a perch
He seemed quite satisfied with his new station
One of the men waged a complaint against a fellow
and I dismissed it as lacking merit
The plaintiff cared little
Nonetheless justice was done here
making complete the necessaries
for this piece of land
this entire island
to be recognized as the King's,
consecrated by God
No one
native or European
contradicted me
Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois has had over fifteen-hundred
of his poems and fictions appear in literary magazines in the U.S. and
abroad. He has been nominated for numerous prizes, and. was awarded the
2017 Booranga Writers’ Centre (Australia) Prize for Fiction. His novel,
Two-Headed Dog, based on his work as a clinical psychologist in
a state hospital, is available for Kindle
and as a print
edition. His poetry collection, THE ARREST OF MR. KISSY FACE,
was published by Pski's Porch Publications in March 2019 and is available
at He lives
in Denver, Colorado, USA.