To Know
Black Gibbon
The black gibbon is a small arboreal ape weighing about 8 kg. They prefer subtropical evergreen forests and eat leaf buds, shoots, and fruits. Gibbons are mainly diurnal. The black gibbon is the only polygamous gibbon species. The black gibbon was once widespread in forests throughout southern China and Vietnam and into Laos and Cambodia. In 1990 the only area where black gibbon populations were reported to be healthy was in Yunnan Province, China. In 2000 they were in China, Laos and Vietnam. The black gibbon is threatened by loss of its preferred primary forest habitat, as well as by hunting for food and Oriental medicine."
They found the birds impaled
on white picket fences;
in fist-sized nooses, circling
like trapeze artists trying
to find the safety net;
slumped over tables, wings
hoarding nests of pills.
And all the while, cats
were waiting outside,
their scratching tremors
trying to eek out confessions
from empty mouths.
* On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive
Order 9066 authorising the imprisonment of all Japanese Nationals and
tens of thousands of American citizens of Japanese descent living along
the West Coast.
Christian Ward is currently working as a Freelance Journalist
whilst moonlighting as a writer. His work has previously appeared in Sage
Trail, Grasslimb and elsewhere.