The Fear of Monkeys - The Best E-Zine on the Web for Politically Conscious Writing The Spider Monkey - Issue One
The Fear of Monkeys
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Spider Monkey

The Spider Monkey is pot - bellied, spider - limbed, worried - faced and independent. They have very long legs and tails and are extremely agile. In the tropical rainforest of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil, they live in communities that can break into sub-groups of 3-4 individuals. Spider monkeys live in trees up to 35 metres above the ground. Probably only gibbons exceed spider monkeys in agility in the trees. Acrobatic and swift, spider monkeys move through the trees, with one arm stride covering up to 12 metres. They have a prehensile tail, which acts as a fifth limb, able to grasp objects or hold their entire body weight for long periods.
They eat fruit, nuts, seeds or leaves but they will take insects or small animals if they are readily available. Maturity is reached at around four years, with females coming into season every four weeks. Gestation is 7-8 months. Newborns cling to their mothers' abdomen and then travel on her back until independence. The average life span for a Spider monkey is around 20 years. They are closely related to the other monkeys in the family cebidae, including capuchins and howler monkeys.
They have been known to shake a vine occupied by a predator to cause them to fall. They have also been seen breaking off dead branches weighing nearly 5kg and dropping them on the predator.
Reasons for their decline include hunting for food by locals, the use of infants as pets, and habitat loss due to clearing of forests for agriculture and human habitation. They are vulnerable because they have low maturation and reproduction rates. Their habitat, mature rain forests, is being lost to farming at the rate of 35,000 acres a day. Preserving the rainforest in South America will help save them from extinction.



Cement or Environment - Sarah Medill What does it mean to be a weed? Medill looks at urban sprawl and environmental mismanagement in her article on how we define invasive species, human and otherwise.

Conservatism in America - Cynthia Bissell Partially a review of Bowling for Columbine and a frank assessment of America's media-prone culture, Cynthia takes to task what it means to be an American.

Frozen to the Side of a Truck - Lauren Corman The positioning of an animal rights advocate. A radical revisioning of harm and our place amongst other species.

Hundredth Monkey - Robert Pasternak A graphic which gives the position of Fear of Monkeys.

Newspaper Monologue - Tanya Marquardt Consumerism and cynicism battle in the newspaper and magazine mind.

Niizhin Manijooshan or The Two Bugs - told by Solomon Wawatie An aboriginal parable on the interaction between US and Canadian colonizers and the Aboriginal Peoples: both historical and ongoing.

Opening the Aviary - Christiano Artuso What place do we assume in reference to animals? Are we stewards? Or do we merely assume a patronizing position?

Rage Against the Machine and the Synergistic Media - Jeff Valois Commercialism and the music industry meet Rage against the Machine.

The Never-ending Cycle - Amina Baljic How do we appear to others? How do we temper our own behaviour in terms of those around us?

There is Nothing that Shakes the Brain - Richard Bissell Sharing the backseat with a budding misogynist is almost as bad as being the mother. Bissell constructs intergenerational conflict and its legacy.

They Call it Struggle For a Reason - Megan What does it mean to be an activist? What responsibilites do we have to society and how do we come to terms with our political self?

The ycle - Shawna Music and money in Winnipeg written through poverty. How does this city work, and why can't I find any decent paying jobs?

All Content Copyright of Fear of Monkeys